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Downwards is the only way backwards. TOTEM TOTEM TOTEM TOTEM TOTEM TOTEM TOTEM An idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious. A smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you. 图腾 图腾 图腾 图腾 图腾 图腾 图腾 They come here everyday to sleep? No, they come to woken up. 1: 就算在下雪,也希望这条路能再长一点点 耳机里马上就播放到最近最喜欢的那一首了! 2: ⚓️ 3: 有人说竹林里的竹子要是长得够高, 白日青天也会迷路。 4: 以太不闪火 但我是真日怪 5: 冷知识 蛇是有骨头的 6: 如果两边都是陆地,那我们到底在前进还是后退? 7: 意为不明的月光