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为纪念四川地震一周年, 两位完全不同音乐流派的代表人物——Abigail Washburn(民谣)和Shanghai Restoration Project(电子)进行了联合创作,推出了专辑《震后》。专辑创作的灵感源自阿比盖尔沃什伯恩(Abigail Washburn)于2008年为四川地震救援所做的志愿者工作——赈灾演出。她为学校的孩子们演出, 而这些孩子年龄从学前班直到高中分布不均, 其中大部分来自山区,复课的地点更是着远离他们的家。“孩子们和老师们沉浸在失去家园和亲人的伤痛中,” 沃什伯恩(Washburn)说。四川居民新闻周刊精选了她那首融合了中华文化和美国本土音乐的歌曲《古怪的美好》。“我想回去,并记录他们亲口讲述的故事和他们自己亲口唱的歌。”尽管该专辑的录制是源于一个悲惨的事件, 但是梁和沃尔什伯恩记录下的儿童声音还是令人鼓舞: 游乐场的声音诸如乒乓、篮球、跳马、拍手游戏, 被融合为舞蹈旋律; 七年级的学生为他们的同学表演了一个传统的羌族歌舞;藏民妹妹们背诵了她们的妈妈临睡前会为她们唱的祷告词;一个被安置的男孩唱了一首关于在父母重建房屋时失去母亲的童谣……  In honor of the one-year anniversary of the Sichuan Earthquakes, two pioneers in entirely different genres folk and electronica have merged to increase knowledge and understanding of the continuing aftermath of the earthquake. Afterquake is a collection of raw, remixed field recordings of post-earthquake soundscapes as well as performances by relocated children and their faraway parents captured and produced by Abigail Washburn and Shanghai Restoration Project creator Dave Liang, in cooperation with Sichuan Quake Relief. A portion of the proceeds from this EP will benefit the Sichuan Quake Relief organization.   Afterquake will be available May 12th as a digital EP and limited edition CD, exactly oneyear   to the day of the earthquakes.  
