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ロンドンに拠点を置いて制作された2枚目。綺麗綺麗なテクノサウンドではなく、どちらかというとダーティで暗めのサウンドは健在である。前作に比べ、よりロックに近づいた音作りではあるが、他のデジロックとは一線を画す独特のサウンド。 パブリック・エネミーのCHUCK Dが語りと作詞で参加したはノイジーなものからホーンも入ったアシッドジャズまで、さまざまなバンドを経験してきた中野雅之の本領が発揮されたナンバー。ロック、フリージャズ、テクノ、ヒップホップが混在する不思議な楽曲といえよう。(末延仁人) by Ben Davies With their superb debut album, the Boom Boom Satellites proved they were one of the most exciting and innovative Japanese acts of the time. From there on, however, things became a little dull. The subsequent EP, 7 Ignitions: Auto-Rebirth, was painfully average. The band's next full-length album was this, 2001's UMBRA. The LP features a decidedly similar sound to Out Loud, yet the songwriting is of a much lower standard. Whereas the debut had such innovative tracks as "An Owl," amongst others, UMBRA hosts nothing of the kind, taking a far more straightforward path throughout. It's this highly conventional dullness that makes UMBRA so disappointing, especially considering the vitality of its predecessor.
