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1453 Fatih Askina

1453 Fatih Askina

Our country, "Electronic New Age" music, which is the only representative of the successful supply of Atilla spectacular, with the shorelines of the fifth and final album, 1453's Sake Fatih Fatih period Atilla cikariyor.Can new musical journey, which was published in 2005, "Concubines and Nights" album, a concept album series subsequently initiated this series of "Sultans Sake 1453" (2006), "Almost Love-I" (2007) and "Golden Age" (2010) album continued. This series is resplendent with a period, a magnificent empire, the empire, and unforgettable characters, as well as ordinary, everyday life, and both throw some light in our country and abroad, a first basarmisti.Sanatci, now the most important and memorable events in the history of this great empire, one of the album chooses as a subject: The Conquest of Istanbul. Fatih character of the album as well, as well as part of his life, musical staves are being processed internally displaced persons. In addition, the period of Istanbul, a city established a new bright future and hopes to meet with music lovers on this album bekliyor.Tamami album of instrumental works, off a turnover, Conquest of istanbul listeners that a new era, impressive melodies and transfers all its glory. The album, Conqueror's Sake, Princess Helena, the Janissaries, featured songs such as Goodbye Istanbul, as well as the unforgettable "love of Sultans" is a new version and instrumental. Released by Sony Music's Sake by Fatih 1453, each one a work of reading the feed ends of the albums listed. Can Atilla,原名Campell Atilla,是土耳其目前最富盛名的NEW AGE作曲家。 1969年出生于土耳其首都安卡拉,在1980年,他开始在Hacettepe大学(注:安卡拉国家音乐学校,同时以化学、物理、生物系出名)的小提琴班进行学习,并在1990年获得文学学士学位。在土耳其,他以作曲家、编曲者、乐队指挥等身份加入过音乐组织。曾参加过音乐比赛,音乐节活动。 有着土耳其血统的 Can Atilla 在电声乐领域发展中继承了 Tangerine Dream 乐队和 Jean-Michel Jarre 的风格,而且融入自己特有的领悟使其音乐风格更有味道,充溢著浑厚的键盘乐音迅速形成充满狂热激情的即兴重复段子,让听者马上被汹涌喷张的旋律深深感染,有条不紊的乐器表现提供了丰富的音乐感受,强有力的键盘赋予了乐曲雄厚澎湃的背景烘托,各种巧妙飘渺的电声音效,让整只曲子韵味十足有力的打击乐,瞬间把曲子推向曲目最恢宏的部份,加入爆发力量的larger-than-life节奏,一种让人震撼的感觉就完成了,令人觉得震摄的力量每分每秒都在扩张,热烈亢奋的吉他配乐修饰著本已异常亢奋的乐曲,注入了燃烧般的狂热及大气,在处理 Tangerine Dream 的影响时,Atilla在这种基调上更加入了大量的令人感叹的元素,形成了让人无法忘却,精湛而宏大的曲风,还没真正感受他的音乐魅力,他的乐迷们就已经为那动人的入场音乐入其居高临下式的华丽出场而倾倒,昏眩。 1453 Fatih Askina 专辑无疑是一个精彩美妙的音乐之旅,喜欢新世纪音乐、电子音乐,世界音乐的朋友不可错过。


