*17座葛莱美奖加冕、音乐史上唯一三次入列「摇滚名人殿堂」的传奇大师 *协同默契好伙伴Doyle Bramhall II (Sheryl Crow、B.B. King、Jennifer Warnes)共通製作睽违5年的第19张个人专辑 *追寻原始传统的蓝调、乡村、爵士之音,翻唱「Autumn Leaves」在内等多首经典歌谣 包括以个人身份,以及跟随Yardbirds和Cream乐团,成为音乐史上唯一三次入列至「摇滚名人殿堂」的传奇大师Eric Clapton,更是严苛乐评与粉丝群心目中的吉他之神,除了已相继入列滚石杂志「百名伟大」+「不朽的百大艺人」名单、佔据Gibson吉他公司「史上50位顶尖吉他手」第四名位置,更已身拥17座葛莱美奖加冕、与Cream成员齐力拿下「终身成就」奖肯定,在全球写下破亿的惊人销售,而推广蓝调音乐不遗馀力的Eric,和B.B. King以及J.J. Cale两位前辈合作的专辑,更是不可或缺的传世至宝!, 18岁自组Roosters乐团,接著加入培育三大吉他神手(Eric Clapton、Jeff Beck与Jimmy Page)并有著「传奇摇滚乐团」封号的Yardbirds。1965年,转向蓝调先驱John Mayall的Bluesbreakers乐团,翌年则伙同Jack Bruce及Ginger Baker合组经典三人组合Cream,1968年再次打造超级队伍Blind Faith。进入70年代,不仅组装Derek & The Dominos,更于1970年正式推出首张个人同名专辑,至今走过40年的岁月,仍持续缔造事业上的波波高峰期,不用太多花俏衬乐点饰就能唱出直达人心的感动,搭配神乎其技的弹奏,不时在创作曲目中精彩浮现! 2006年,和美国草根蓝调大师J.J. Cale合作、齐力追寻原始蓝调之音的“Road To Escondido”特典,好评一面倒,玩不过瘾的Eric,依循那份传统概念,发行睽违5年之久的全新第19张个人专辑“Clapton”,协同默契好伙伴Doyle Bramhall II (Sheryl Crow、B.B. King、Jennifer Warnes)通力掌舵,真实呈现影响Eric出道至今的蓝调本色,更重绎多支耳熟能详的旧作,加入全新的感动音符。浓烈化不开的Blues情怀灌满「Travelin` Alone」,跳动摇摆旋律,释放属于野性的不羇感;到了「Rockin’ Chair」,却意外洒下爵士优雅气息,令人无比陶醉;閒适的「Judgment Day」,点滴渗入Motown式的灵韵和声,还有口琴伴随的乡村调调;有趣的如同迪士尼动画配乐之「My Very Good Friend The Milkman」,会让人听到嘴角上扬,Eric独特的尾句抖音甚是吸引人;钢琴和吉他温柔互鸣的「Diamonds Made From Rain」、以及法国歌改编的传颂金曲「Autumn Leaves」,都是Eric引领粉丝群复习回味老乐章的迷人之处,同样是摇滚客们手上必备的研习宝典! If this were your first exposure to Eric Clapton, a bit of bewilderment would be in order. This is the legendary guitar icon? This is (as his early apostles once proclaimed) God? Ranging from the mid-´80s through the late ´90s, The Clapton Chronicles owes less to the groundbreaking blues-rock of Clapton´s ´60s and ´70s classics than to the polished-to-a-glare pop of Phil Collins, who produced one of the tracks included in this 14-song anthology. His reinterpretation of his greatest recording--the once-gripping, now-placid "Layla"--perhaps best illustrates Clapton at middle-age: Who wants to bask in his darkest period? Not Clapton, who converts his surging, purging charge into a soothing stroll. And perhaps not fans of such docile MOR fare as "My Father´s Eyes," "Tears in Heaven," and the two new tracks, "Blue Eyes Blue" and "Get Lost."
Eric Clapton、Melvin Jackson 3786148 03:56
Eric Clapton、hoagy carmichael 3891056 04:03
Eric Clapton、j.j. cale 5646474 05:52
Eric Clapton 3065970 03:11
Eric Clapton、Irving Berlin 5268241 05:29
Eric Clapton、Walter Jacobs 3981773 04:08
Eric Clapton、Robert Wilkins 5883489 06:07
Eric Clapton、j.j. cale 3671639 03:49
Eric Clapton、Sheryl Crow 4179457 04:21
Eric Clapton 2739592 02:51
Eric Clapton、Lane Hardin 3578418 03:43
Eric Clapton、doyle bramhall ii 5087691 05:17
Eric Clapton 5453771 05:40
Eric Clapton、Leroy Carr 4295640 04:28
Eric Clapton、jody williams 2960253 03:04