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Silent Alarm

Silent Alarm

2005横扫全球最呛摇滚新星 百万张销售达成庆功版 欧洲金榜No.6 全欧九国空降Top10 英国榜+美国告示牌潜力榜No.3 NME:超讚!(九分/满分十分) GQ:从头爽到尾! ★全球乐评一致肯定★ Q:最令人兴奋的天团!流行音乐就是要这样! MOJO:潜力无穷 惦惦警报就是要让你记住他们! ROLLING STONE:听着每首歌都是天大的幸福! ★ 强势单曲轮番上阵 ★ 双A单曲So Here we are/Positive Tension英国单曲榜第五名! 最新单曲Banquet空降NME单曲榜冠军/独立摇滚榜亚军/英国榜第五名! 虽然NME这等吹捧成性的音乐媒体曾给了很多最终还是破灭的希望,但仍无法动摇它作为自认留有或多或少英国血液之爱乐我辈遥望祖国的灯塔的地位。每一个新封号的出现,仍然令我们自心底颤动、心往神驰,然后带着又期待又怕受伤害的心情一探究竟。 去年底,我辈皆应该见识到NME是如何锺爱一队由四个出身Brighton的青年所组、叫做Bloc Party的乐队,在未有正式专辑登场前便让他们一口气以三首单曲(第10名”Little Thoughts” / 第35名”She’s Hearing Voices” / 第40名”Banquet”)进佔该刊物乐评选出的年度50大单曲(Tracks Of The Year 2004),且连同去年红翻英美、甚至入围葛莱美奖的Franz Ferdinand与The Futureheads 等俨然形成一股后庞克吉他新势力。 有论点将英国这一阵Franz Ferdinand大卖、The Libertines再出击及其后如Razorlight等团的迅速走红,视为某种对过份哀伤自溺的Brit-Pop的反动,去年于破报评论Futureheads时曾说过,复古后庞克如果是当下乐团出头的必要之恶,The Futureheads显然是个相当有趣的选择;巧的是The Futureheads初期请来Gang Of Four之指标Andy Gill,后来直接启用原是The Rapture/The Liars演唱会PA的溷录音工程师Paul Epworth首次担纲製作,原来Bloc Party与之系出同门,俐落激昂的鼓声与直率犀利的吉他让人更清楚此一风潮彼此的结盟与成型。 Bloc Party首张专辑[Silent Alarm]不仅收录前述单曲,更进一步展现他们完整的创作视野。儘管多方看好有望成为新Franz Ferdinand,其实他们并不那麽纨裤子弟样,甚至不那麽性感,专辑压轴曲”Compliments”更洩漏了这帮青年放下躁动模样、转进深遂迷离的灵性本质。听他们以︰「一群听着1976年至今的流行音乐长大、平凡不出色的小孩的自治单位」形容自己,大概无法想像Kele原来已经受邀献声年初Chemical Brothers再次拿下全英冠军的新专辑,以及各方蜂涌而至的好评,包括Playlouder与Drowned In Sound同步给予★★★★、BBC Collective★★★★1/2,无疑是抢先卡位年度最佳专辑的热门候选! Much more polished, serious, and straight-ahead than their initial EPs suggested, Bloc Party's debut album, Silent Alarm, reveals them as a band equally informed by taut art-punk and the grand gestures and earnestness of groups like Coldplay and U2. Though they're not quite as stadium-sized expansive as either of those two bands (yet), Bloc Party sound a lot more comfortable making proclamations like "Positive Tension"'s "Something glorious is about to happen/A reckoning!" than contemporaries like Franz Ferdinand or the Futureheads would be. Silent Alarm is also more varied than Bloc Party's early work indicated it might be, spanning edgy pop, atmospheric ballads, and angular, percussive tracks that are all served well by the album's big, layered production. The great single "Banquet" and even better opening track, "Like Eating Glass," put Bloc Party's heart-on-sleeve emotions in the service of tight, energetic songwriting that makes their earnestness a little easier to swallow. The gorgeous ballads also make the most of Bloc Party's emotional directness: "Blue Light," "This Modern Love," and "So Here We Are" are some of Silent Alarm's finest moments, with a tension and impact that show how powerful even their softest songs can be. As both the band and album's names imply, Silent Alarm is an overtly political album. Bloc Party fare better than many other bands that dip into that fray, but the results are still mixed: the well-intentioned no-blood-for-oil sentiments of "Price of Gas" are heavy-handed, but "Helicopter"'s Bush-bashing and the antiwar "Pioneers" ("We promised the world we'd tame it/What were we hoping for?") are relatively subtle, and work fairly well as political pop manifestos. As dynamic as Silent Alarm is, it's not perfect: Kele Okereke's yelpy vocals get a little grating on the less melodic songs, and the second half of the album doesn't quite sustain the momentum it had at the beginning, although the bonus remixes of "Plans" by Mogwai, and "Pioneers"" by M83 help make up for this. Although it wouldn't hurt if there were more "party" (the celebratory kind, not the political one) in Silent Alarm, it's still a fine debut album with a lot of passion and polish; it's hard not to respect, if not fully embrace, the intensity and integrity of Bloc Party's music.


