A Beautiful Lie
·如同Tool及Deftones之急促吉他声线牵引出怒式金属力道,令人惊艳之撕裂咆啸式的犀利嗓音,绝对刮目相看再度出发之激赏表现。 Limp Bizkit、Staind、Courtney Love 摇滚界炙手可热制作高手 Josh Abraham 护航跨刀制作。 ·连续两年获选People杂志50位最美丽人物,「红色警戒」、「亚历山大帝」、「战栗空间」、「女生向前走」、「斗阵俱乐部」新生代帅气小生 Jared Leto 与哥哥 Shannon Leto 共组乐团。 好莱坞卖座保证明星基努李维、强尼戴普、亚当山德勒、布鲁斯威利、杰克布莱克….等一票摇滚乐爱好者,前後都曾以乐团的方式以及个人名义,推出过专辑,有些是以歌手出生,而有些则是以玩票性质的让全球乐迷窥见巨星们触角延伸之多才实力,然而连续两年获选People杂志50位最美丽人物,并杀光全球女粉丝底片的新生代帅气小生Jared Leto,接连演出「红色警戒」、「亚历山大帝」、「战栗空间」、「女生向前走」、「斗阵俱乐部」等备受好评大戏,仍不忘情拿起吉他、献出爆发力十足的好歌喉,偕同担任鼓手一职的亲哥哥Shannon Leto与吉他手Tomo Milicevic及贝斯手Matt Wachter等志同道合的好友,共同组织起30 Seconds To Mars。2002年顺利签下一纸合约,发行首张同名专辑『30 Seconds To Mars』,站上热门潜力榜冠军宝座,单曲"Capricorn"也顺利挤进全美摇滚榜中,获得电台超高点播率。散发出新世纪摇滚之声,融合多样实验精神,毫无掩饰表现出一份属於摇滚乐的狂放霸气,虽然因为放太多心思在乐团上,让拍拖四年的女友卡麦蓉狄雅愤而提出分手,却赚取更多影迷及乐迷的认同,能写、能唱、能奏、更能演的Jared,努力朝着全方位才子之路迈进! 相隔三年,在繁忙电影拍摄与巡回表演的双重劳累加身,Jared却乐此不疲的不断创作新品,早在2004年四月就进录音室与摇滚界炙手可热的制作高手Josh Abraham(Limp Bizkit、Staind、Courtney Love),齐力商讨第二张新作『A Beautiful Lie』的方向。仍然延续前作的高度实验试探性,入选首波主打的开场曲"Attack",在阵阵急促吉他声线牵引出怒式金属力道,Jared令人惊艳的撕裂咆啸式的犀利嗓音,绝对刮目相看他们再度出发的激赏表现;有着Space Rock迷离音场交错谱入的同名单曲" A Beautiful Lie",陷入情绪营造的奇幻声感当中;如同Tool及Deftones的乐曲演出架构堆叠之"The Fantasy",带领乐迷体验30 Seconds To Mars最为奇幻多元的音乐蓝图;"From Yesterday"则铺陈出EMO乐种的情绪高潮起伏快意感,完全崩裂的演唱方式,再次为Jared的表现鼓掌叫好;空心吉他的来回播奏,并加入弦乐润饰,末曲"A Modern Myth"献上耐听度满分的动人抒情小品,听毕後,别急着按Stop,在12分25秒後,会出现延续A Modern Myth的神秘隐藏曲。 by Stephen Thomas Erlewine It's easy to take potshots at actors turned musicians, since it often seems like the actors are taking advantage of their celebrity by turning into recording stars. This ignores two facts: first, often these actors have been playing music for as long as they've been acting; and second, who's to say that these critics, if put in the same position, wouldn't take advantage of their celebrity to pursue their dream projects? In the case of 30 Seconds to Mars, the metallic post-grunge quartet led by Jared Leto (after all these years, still best-known as Jordan Catalano on the alt rock-era TV series My So-Called Life, although he has been excellent in Darren Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream and David Fincher's Fight Club and Panic Room, as well), these actor-turned-musician arguments don't really matter since, by any measure, the band is quite awful. A melange of U2 atmospherics, grunge angst, gothic brooding, and metal guitars, the band floats out of time, inspired heavily by '90s alt rock but too clean, heavy, and facile to truly be part of that tradition, yet too indebted to the past to sound like part of the 2000s, either. Their second album, 2005's A Beautiful Lie -- whose title is uncomfortably close to Nine Inch Nails' "Terrible Lie" (and is most likely not borrowed from the Amazing Rhythm Aces' 1975 song of the same name, either) -- is a little tighter and more streamlined than their eponymous 2002 debut, but the basic angst-ridden rock remains the same. Leto isn't a terrible singer -- a little too breathy at times and a little too inclined to dive into a full-throated scream, but not terrible -- and the bandmembers are capable enough at shifting from tense quiet verses to piledriving, heavy choruses, but they borrow the worst habits from all their favorite groups, and then assemble them in insufferably earnest fashion, playing clichés as if they were revelations. It's a bleak yet hammy collection of self-absorbed gloom-rock, a record where an allusion to the title of the Cure's "Just Like Heaven" is treated as something soul-searching and profound (of course, it does hurt that A Beautiful Lie is being released just a month before "Just Like Heaven" is being borrowed for the title of a Reese Witherspoon romantic comedy). It's clear that Leto and the rest of 30 Seconds to Mars really mean it, man -- this is as earnest as an emo record gets.
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