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한국의 머라이어캐리라는 닉 네임을 가지고 있는 박정현의 1집 Piece에선 박정현의 풍부한 성량과 뱃속 깊숙이서 솟구치는 부드러운 고음을 바탕으로 R&B와 블루스를 비롯한 흑인음악에서부터 백인 취향의 발라드까지 자유자재로 구사한다는 평을 듣고 있다. 박정현의 1집에는 윤종신의 특유의 분위기가 돋보이는 '나의 하루'와 임재범과 듀엣으로 부른 '사랑보다 깊은 상처'로 많은 사랑을 받았다. Special Thanks To.... my Father God, my beautiful crazy family, DMR, 지하 2층 녹음실 식구들, 모든 작곡, 작사, 편곡, session, chorus해주신 여러분들, 특히 휴가때도 나때문에 쉬지도 못한 윤종신씨와 함께 노래해주신 임재범씨, 바쁜 스케쥴 중에도 세션에 응해준 Player 고영욱씨와 김승환씨 안성진, JAM, FORM. everyone else i'm forgetting(i'm sorry!). my support groups (the Coloradans & all you crazy kids back at home). and, of course, e-mail thursday, november 20, 1997. 10:14p.m - "...and i guess that's my only real regret, that i can only show but pieces of me---or pieces of what i've come to think is me...and of course it's my own fault, if it is a fault, for i can only offer what is readily at hand...i can only seem to get as deep as that layer right below the surface, but never to the core. but never say never?...whether it be this language thing, or my own 자신...maybe it is my own frustration that keeps the door from fully opening. or maybe i am trying to push too hard against the Time that governs its opening. but when all is said and done, i suppose the main thing i hope for is, though i can only give a piece at a time, i can give it purely. and that it will be passed into recieving hands. I" Executive Producer Director A&R Coordination Assistant Engineer Except * Recording Engineer Except * Mixing Engineer Except * Except: Recorded at Except * at Mastered by Photograph Hair & Make-Up Stylist Design 이재찬 조준현 이문형, 강지훈 고종원,박동원 구지애 김동훈 고승욱 김동훈 고승욱 박병준 DMR studio ZZ TOP 고희정 at Seoul Studio 안성진 Make-Up FORM STYLE FORM ooYnuyHiJ with Jam
