Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons
在加入大厂牌后,难免要接受一番加工和润色的洗礼。棱角被磨平了,换来的是阴冷和潮湿,加上一点自我忏悔的味道。Blonde Redhead不可救药地转向了内省的抒情,或者说他们从本质上就是如此。他们开始收敛起复杂而张狂的艺术构想,在剔除了凶猛声音后,却仍然保持了简单和流畅的编排这一点在2000年的Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons一览无余,In particular为代表的清新玄妙,显然正在取代以Mother为代表的狂乱无调,这是一张分水岭式的作品。他们在这条道上愈走愈黑,并不可避免地从Touch and Go“滑落”到了4AD。 by Yancey Strickler For a record produced by Guy Picciotto (Fugazi, Rites of Spring), Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons is a surprisingly quiet affair. Rarely do the cuts on Blonde Redhead's 2000 release get much louder than an electric guitar. With their fifth record, Blonde Redhead finally emerges from the shadows of Sonic Youth's post-punk legacy by avoiding the expected detunings, distortions, and shrillness of the genre. The three-piece manages to create a record that is subtle, tuneful, and sublime. On "Loved Despite of Great Faults," instrumentation mainly consists of acoustic guitar, piano, and percussion rather than an assault of power chords, yet the mood of the song is just as effective. While the record may be quieter, it still manages to move in several different directions. "This Is Not" tips its hat to Ric Ocasek with a new wave-inspired piece while the opening cut, "Equally Damaged," and "Ballad of Lemons" suggest an influence from Danny Elfman. Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons may not accurately reflect the full body of Blonde Redhead's work, yet it presents an easy place to start.
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