To All The Girls...
Arriving a few short months after the standards collection Let's Face the Music and Dance, which itself came less than a year after his Legacy debut Heroes, To All the Girls splits the difference between these two albums for Legacy. As a duets album comprised entirely of female partners, To All the Girls is, like Heroes, driven by superstar guest power but the intimate, relaxed feel is reminiscent of Let's Face the Music and Dance. Such a quiet, comfortable setting is welcoming to a wide variety of partners, ranging from living legends Loretta Lynn, Dolly Parton, Mavis Staples, and Emmylou Harris to more recent superstars Miranda Lambert and Carrie Underwood. Between these two extremes lie such excellent, underappreciated, new alt-country singers like Brandi Carlile and the Secret Sisters, family -- both sister Paula Nelson and Melonie Cannon, the daughter of Buddy Cannon -- and stars who are working their way toward legend status (Norah Jones, Alison Krauss, Sheryl Crow, Wynnona Judd, Shelby Lynne). Similarly, the songs split the difference between new versions of Nelson classics ("Bloody Mary Morning," "Always on My Mind," "Please Don’t' Tell Me How the Story Ends"), covers of beloved songs ("Til the End of the World," "Have You Ever Seen the Rain"), and brand-new tunes (Dolly brings in "From Here to the Moon and Back," which she wrote for Joyful Noise, a gospel musical co-starring Queen Latifah).
Willie Nelson、Dolly Parton 3871438 04:01
Willie Nelson、Miranda Lambert 3634021 03:47
Willie Nelson、The Secret Sisters 2509709 02:36
Willie Nelson、Sheryl Crow 4747868 04:56
Willie Nelson、wynonna judd 2973639 03:05
Willie Nelson、Carrie Underwood 3786148 03:56
Willie Nelson、Loretta Lynn 3092754 03:13
Willie Nelson、Alison Krauss 4036493 04:12
Willie Nelson、Melonie Cannon 3369435 03:30
Willie Nelson、Mavis Staples 3045938 03:10
Willie Nelson、Norah Jones 3512365 03:39
Willie Nelson、Shelby Lynne 1945472 02:01
Willie Nelson、Lily Meola 4395124 04:34
Willie Nelson、Emmylou Harris 4187381 04:21
Willie Nelson、Brandi Carlile 3149172 03:16
Willie Nelson、Paula Nelson 4470811 04:39
Willie Nelson、Tina Rose 2621724 02:43