Up (The Original Walt Disney Records Soundtrack)
在城市的钢筋水泥当中,有一个老气横秋的屋子坐落在大厦楼群当中,而屋子的主人则是一个叫卡尔(爱德华·阿斯纳配音)的老头子。自从老伴艾丽病逝之后,本来就有些不善言语的卡尔就变得更加的沉默寡言起来。回想过去和艾丽在一起的日子,他们曾经多次都梦想着到南美洲的天堂瀑布去探险,可是为生计奔波的两人,却一直没有时间去完成这次旅行。孤独一人生活的卡尔逐渐发现,过去为生活所累,年少时很多理想都忘却了,难道就这样抱着遗憾过一辈子吗?这时候,政府计划要在卡尔所住的地方建造一幢摩天大楼,而在这里住了一辈子的卡尔根本不愿意搬家,但政府已经打算将这个难缠的钉子户送到养老院去,然后再慢慢拆掉他的屋子。卡尔知道政府接下来的打算,因此决定先走为妙。他决定,要带着这幢保存了他一生回忆的屋子一起去旅行! 在一大堆五颜六色气球的牵引下,整幢房子和地基一起飞向了空中,卡尔朝着梦想之地进发——不过老卡尔却万万没有想到,这幢飞屋里闯入了一个不速之客,他就是9岁的胖乎乎小男孩罗素(乔丹·长井配音)。这个小男孩骗老卡尔说是不小心才闯进来的,其实他是因为参加了野外探险者协会,而如果要成为高级会员,必须拿到一枚徽章,而拿到这枚徽章的条件就是帮助一位老人。罗素选中的帮助对象,就是脾气怪怪的老卡尔。老卡尔本来就不怎么善于和人沟通,因此一开始并不想让罗素跟自己一起旅行,因此卡尔策划了很多办法想把这个讨厌的小孩从飞屋里丢下去,但此刻飞屋被卷进了暴风雨云里,卡尔和罗素一起度过了这个难关,罗素也告诉卡尔,他手中的GPS可以让卡尔更加精确的到达旅行的目的地--天堂瀑布。于是,这一老一少的旅途开始了。 老不乐意的卡尔在路上还是想了不少办法踢走罗素,最后都无功而返,两人一路斗气地到了南美,在南美的丛林里,他们结识了很多平时根本见不到的动物,有长着长长大嘴的大鸟,还有会说话的小狗……他们都成为了飞屋里的旅客,随着卡尔和罗素一起旅行。眼看就要到目的地天堂瀑布了,爷孙两人却碰上了一个利欲熏心的探险家查尔斯(克里斯托弗·普卢默配音),查尔斯认为卡尔和罗素破坏了他的好事,因此决定要拆掉他们的飞屋,让他们坠毁……究竟卡尔和罗素如何度过这场危机,顺利地到达天堂瀑布呢? Soundtrack作曲家是迈克·吉亚奇诺Michael Giacchino。在迈克·吉亚奇诺制作音乐的影片里,《飞屋环游记》是第一部非布拉德·伯德导演的电影,此前的作品都是两人合作。 Music from the Up Soundtrack Giacchino’s music for the Up Soundtrack perfectly captures the adventure, the bittersweet memories, and the humor of the film. Grand orchestral surges, tender piano vignettes, and music-as-sound-effects all evoke a visual recounting of specific scenes. And he’s as playful as ever in naming the tunes on the Up Soundtrack, with song titles like "Giving Muntz the Bird," "Kevin Beak'n," "Escape from Muntz Mountain," and "Up with End Credits." Some of the more memorable tunes on the Up Soundtrack include "Memories Can Weigh You Down," which was recently included on the Disney Pixar Greatest Soundtrack CD; the last three tracks on the album, which are sound effects credited to "Skywalker Sound;" and "The Spirit of Adventure," a Rudy Vallee-like song complete with megaphone vocals. Giacchino cites classic Disney composers Oliver Wallace and Frank Churchill as being major influences on his writing style for the Up Soundtrack, and lists the movies Around the World in 80 Days and Peter Pan as informing his music for this soundtrack, as well. Giacchino’s goal, he says, was to create thematic but melodic music for the Up Soundtrack. He wanted to use majestic, emotional musical gestures, but also leave the audience with a tune stuck in their head.
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