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High 'n' Dry

High 'n' Dry

在首炮打响之后,乐队开始操手他们的第二张专辑,这时他们似乎感受到一支成功的乐队并不能一味的模仿,必须要有自己独特的风格。1981年,在人们的期盼之中,乐队的第二张专辑《HIGH‘N’DRY》横空出世,并且取得了白金唱片的销量。可以看出他们在这张专辑中的独具匠心,这时的DEF LEPPARD已经完全有了自己的风格,无论从吉他的音色还是主唱的唱腔上有给人们耳目一新的感觉,依然是好听得不得了的金属乐,而且在更完善的录音条件下,使乐曲相对首张专辑来说整体上了一个层次。在这时乐队已拥有了真正属于自己的铁杆乐迷,他们更亲切的称这是DEF LEPPARD风格的金属乐。 by Steve Huey Def Leppard's second album, High 'N' Dry, continues in the vein of the anthemic, working-class hard rock of their debut. While still opting for a controlled musical attack and melodies as big-sounding and stadium-ready as possible, the band opens up its arrangements a bit more on High 'N' Dry, letting the songs breathe and groove while the rhythm section and guitar riffs play off one another. MTV helped break the album in the U.S. with its heavy rotation of the video for the unabashedly dramatic rock ballad "Bringin' on the Heartbreak."
