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Not too many will have had a busier 2010 than Holly Throsby. The Sydney songstress has a solo album sitting in the can, is working on an album where she teams up with Sarah Blasko and Selly Seltmann, and with See! she puts out her first collection of children’s music. It used to be a desperate measure for an artist to make a record the whole family could enjoy, but with former Del Fuego, Dan Zane giving the genre some credibility and Yo Gabba Gabba taking things a step further and bringing independent musicians to parents and their kids alike, Throsby could be on to a winner. The gentle voice of Throsby is well suited to the simple stories that she relays on See!. A chorus of children singing along to the cute as a button Diamonds Are So Shiny is a highlight as is the catchy as a dose Putt Putt. Throsby’s foray into a different demographic is bound to make the summer holidays more bearable as See! drowns out the sounds of ‘are we there yet?’ coming from the back seat on many a car trip.
