All is One
即将七十岁的民谣吟游诗人走过人生重要历程,以前所未有的开阔达观眼界欣赏这世界。四年来唯一新作,堪称词曲深度与声音美感最完美的结合。 有几年时间亚伦.泰勒没有推出正式的专辑,因为这位现代吟游诗人正经历他生命中最煎熬的时刻:肩膀受伤,很可能无法再次演奏吉他!还好,经过治疗一切无恙,但他仍花了些许时间重拾吉他技巧,也再度走进录音室,带来的就是这张更为圆熟的「合而为一」。 标题曲绝对是这位优秀歌手最具野心的作品。歌词以无数的「一」做为主轴,而在副歌告诉我们,这些「一」终将「合而为一」,颇有道家思想的影子。而在编曲上,强劲的打击乐器以激昂的方式告诉我们,这是亚伦.泰勒对命运的胜利战役。整张专辑光听这曲,就已经值回票价。 但亚伦.泰勒从来没让歌迷失望,其馀九首歌曲也同样精彩万分。以传统公路旅行歌曲「Endless Highway」开场,「Let The Music Flow」则加入好友Vlado Kreslin的斯洛维尼亚语演唱,以异国情调的深沉沧桑嗓音交融相和,讲述两个不同世界的朋友在音乐路上的相知相惜。最终曲「The Best I Could」讲述自己「尽人事听天命」的人生观,以简单的钢琴伴奏演唱,清澈乾淨的为这张专辑划下句点。 特殊的是这张专辑竟然出现了三首翻唱歌曲:「I Followed Her Into The West」是亚伦.泰勒好友,获得葛莱美奖终身成就奖的民谣歌手Tom Paxton的经典歌曲;「The Sky」则是他已逝好友的作品;「Like A Cloud」原来是义大利歌曲,由亚伦.泰勒翻译成英文版本演唱。这些精彩歌曲也更增添了这张专辑的光彩。 老虎鱼录音室肯定是亚伦.泰勒最自在的录音场所。在这张专辑中,轻鬆豁达却又不失深沉的演唱方式,每一曲都让人想要为之喝彩。音效杰出当然不必怀疑,而加入键盘与吹奏乐器的多样化伴奏,更让这张专辑以完美丰富的声响效果,展现出亚伦.泰勒的生涯高峰。<刘名振 文> On previous albums Allan Taylor sang songs about the road, about all the different countries and all the hotel rooms….. The new album goes deeper – into time and ultimately to the recognition: “All is one”. A powerful philosophical statement delivered with virtuoso lightness. Someone who is approaching 70 and calls his album “All Is One” obviously has something to say. Just recently Allan Taylor faced one of life’s tests – a severe shoulder disfunction prevented him from playing guitar – not an easy situation for a musician. In the meantime that is thankfully all healed and forgotten. Not shying away from the strain and frustration involved, he worked his way back to his instrument, his fans and to the recording studio at Stockfisch Records. He could have presented this album as a big comeback, a resurrection, but that is simply not the style of this master of contemplative tones. Insiders will recognise a stringent continuation of his 2009 album “Leaving At Dawn”. Even then it was about leaving, about long journeys, the poetry of movement – subjects even more strongly represented on this album. Instead of driving on asphalt it’s about moving through time, and the title song is the best example. He wrote the first lines back in 2004, which kept flickering back to him and could finally now be completed. The lyrics tell of old guitars and of velvet gloves which close doors - but the song is a long way from drowning in sentimental resignation. Those who can read between the lines will discover a clever mixture of dance and march: “One final dance unites us all”. It is Allan Taylor’s very own rhythm, for he sees himself as part of the “Travelling Troubadours” tradition: dance, sing and travel onwards … with good news: a new tour starts, he is currently touring through Germany, Scotland and his English homeland. Taylor plays his favourite Martin guitars with the same sensitivity for body, expression and autonomy which one finds in his vocal performance – always moving, and never merely vague. In the last song Allan Taylor summarizes: „I may not be the perfect man, I guess I’ll do the best I can“ – and ends the album with the bemused lightness of a simple D-major chord. Maybe a touch too modest for a master? MUSIKER Performing on the SACD "All Is One": Allan Taylor - vocal and guitar Ian Melrose - guitars, flute, tremolo guitar Lutz Möller - piano, keyboard, hammond B3 / Barnaby Taylor - piano Lea Morris - harmony vocals Lucile Chaubard - violoncello Grischka Zepf - electric bass Hans-Jörg Maucksch - fretless bass Sven von Samson - percussion Beo Brockhausen - percussion, bowed psaltery, saxophone as guest: Vlado Kreslin - vocal
Allan Taylor 8317621 08:39
Allan Taylor、ian melrose、Hans-Joerg Maucksch 3299259 03:26
Allan Taylor、Lutz Moeller 2283585 02:22