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Being Julia (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Being Julia (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

朱莉娅(安妮特·贝宁 Annette Bening饰)的演艺事业如日中天,伦敦的舞台上她的霸气几乎无人能及。但是,这样一个人前辉煌的女性,却在身后承受着心灵的空虚。她因为事业的成功失去了幸福的家庭,和亲人的关系冷漠疏隔。汤姆(肖恩·埃文斯 Shaun Evans饰)正是趁着这个时机闯进朱莉娅生活的。他年轻、帅气,有着燃烧不尽的激情,把青春的感觉重新灌入朱莉娅的心中。朱莉娅情陷于此,不料在汤姆的心目中,有着另一番打算。年轻女演员想利用汤姆来撼动朱莉娅的一姐地位,初出茅庐的汤姆看不透圈内阴险,竟然乖乖上钩,以为利用和朱莉娅的感情就能大获全胜。然而,不是人人都能成为朱莉娅的,因为她有着过人的洞察力,果断利落的手段和深谙圈内之道的生存法则,时刻准备着给伤害她的人致命还击。 ©豆瓣 Based on Somerset Maugham's middling novel Theater, Annette Bening stars as the title character, an aging star of the London stage whose life and the melodramas she performs have come to mirror each other. Composer Mychael Danna sets those conflicts to a score that emphasizes theatrical surfaces and rigid role-playing, utilizing a finely honed classical pastiche approach with parallels to his previous period-evoking work on Vanity Fair. His cues here are rooted in the light romantic chamber music of the 19th century, though they frequently bristle with a more contemporary energy and aplomb. Offering counterpoint to Danna's dignified, oft-precious classical confections and mining the story's more sensual human dimensions are pop chestnuts from the era (The Andrews Sisters' saucy "Bei Mir Bist Du Schon" and Mills Brothers' jaunty "Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries"), as well as fine contemporary takes of "They Didn't Believe Me" and Noel Coward's "Mad About the Boy" by Denzel Sinclair and Alison Jicar's elegant read of "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes." --Jerry McCulley
