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Mommy and Son

Mommy and Son

五个八度的绝美高音 难以捉摸的神秘魅惑 俄罗斯音乐史上神秘又传奇的鬼魅王子 史上最年轻音乐家登上克里姆林宫 「要了解Vitas,请聆听他的音乐,唯有在舞台上的他,才是真正的Vitas。」 by 制作人 Sergey Pudovkin 2000年12月,以无法言喻的华丽高音,精采诠释了后来魅惑全球的成名代表作“Opera 2”;他不只是歌手、还是音乐创作人;他也是演员、更是服装设计界蓄势待发的新秀设计师。他拥有五个八度的非凡高音,更有着无法用文字形容的艺术才华,他是Vitas。 从来不接受任何媒体采访的Vitas,坚持只要乐迷们注重在他那惊人的唱功;他的制作人Sergey Pudovkin曾说:「要了解Vitas,请聆听他的音乐,唯有在舞台上的他,才是真正的Vitas。」而华丽的唱腔以及令人惊艳的舞台演出,更为他创下无数纪录:19岁那年,Vitas成为有史以来在克里姆林宫开唱最年轻的歌手,除此之外,根据俄罗斯网站调查,Vitas也是2004至2006年间在俄罗斯联邦、乌克兰、哈萨克斯坦、白俄罗斯、波罗的海诸国及以色列等地举办过最多演唱会的歌手。而Vitas「我母亲的歌」演唱会更被誉为当年俄罗斯的「年度最佳音乐盛事」。 而这一切的一切,并没有让这位年轻的艺术家感到满足,今年三月份,Vitas筹备三年之久的「Return Home」同名演唱会终于正式登场,该场演唱会的概念即是延续本张专辑;Vitas在演唱会当中贡献了超过20首全新作品,包括“Shores Of Russia”、“I Ask All Saints”…等,这些新作即收录于本张专辑里。除此之外,专辑同时也收录了电影「第五元素」的插曲、改编自意大利歌剧的“Lucia Di Lammermoor”的Vitas版本。 对于喜爱Vitas的人来说,语言早已不是距离,Vitas发自内心深处的灵魂之音,早已跨越语言隔阂,他用歌声证明了好音乐是无国界的,也难怪俄罗斯歌迷们视Vitas为纯净灵魂、爱、信仰及希望的精神象征。 This is a sublime CD, rich and very mature in its themes and sensitive renditions, with a mellowness throughout, and some of the loveliest songs Vitas has ever written, along with his co-writer, Alexander Samson. The only song they did not write on this CD is "Strange People." The arrangements, as they always are for Vitas, are exquisite, and "Mama Confession" and "Young Rook" have a simplicity that is heavenly. Vitas' extraordinary voice, filled with emotion on these 2 songs that reflect back to his youth, is framed with little more than a piano, and will touch your heart deeply. The title song, "Mommy and Son," was inspired by the devastating earthquake in Sichuan, China, in 2008, and is about a little boy trapped in the rubble, calling to his mother. Translations from the Russian of all these songs are available if you search on-line. He also has an excellent website and an Official Facebook page to learn more about him. Vitas is a Russian singer with a 5 octave range and is a dazzling stage performer, and a captivating personality. To hear him in concert is the experience of a lifetime, but when we can't do that, his CDs are blessings, treasures to play over and over. Total Playing time: 51:03 A warning must be said to be careful who you buy CDs from. Always chose a reputable seller with the highest rating (a minimum of 98%), as Vitas, like many performers, especially those from distant lands, is plagued with pirated discs.


