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The Suburbs

The Suburbs

加拿大独立摇滚乐队拱廊之火(Arcade Fire)即将于8月2日发行专辑《郊外》(The Suburbs)。在推出两张成功的专辑之后,拱廊之火的第三张录音室专辑非常让歌迷期待。 《郊外》华丽的开篇唱到:“当我年轻的时候,希望有个女儿,我想牵着她的手,给她看美好的事物,在一切被破坏以前。”这种闲聊式的独白通常会以民谣来表达,拱廊之火却将它与体育馆摇滚结合起来,鼓点和键盘的旋律就像洪水一样滚滚而来。看来这才是赶时髦和尼尔扬结合的方式。和他们的音乐导师U2、布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀不同,拱廊之火对生活细节不感兴趣。当巴特勒唱到开车去休斯顿时,他只是说“我们听到引擎失灵的声音”,而斯普林斯汀则会告诉你到底是哪个零件出了问题(例如《Racing in the Street》)。但这正是拱廊之火广受欢迎的原因之一,他们邀您共同体验解决问题的经过和成功后的喜悦。 《郊外》中的很多歌曲描绘了乐队对现实生活的体验。在《洛可可》中,夏莎妮和队友们用和声绝妙演绎了热情消退的过程。《准备开始》是独立乐队为名望所累的写照,巴特勒在歌中埋怨:“生意人,他们喝我们的血/就像艺术学校的孩子们一样。”让他失去信任的不只是艺术学校的孩子们,还有混乱的世界:“他们在70年代建造的所有房屋最终倒塌/毫无意义”。说到70年代,拱廊之火的音乐家们显然是从父辈收藏的德国艺术摇滚唱片中获得了灵感,这使得《准备开始》和《五月》这样的快歌显得格外简洁和均衡。《五月》这样描述那些不买账的摇滚观众:“孩子们紧抱着胳膊站着那里”。这句歌词原本会变成一个类似“滚出我的草坪”的长句,结果只用一个生动的画面就表达出来了。《深蓝》用华丽的钢琴来营造情绪,很像大卫·邦威的《Hunky Dory》(匈牙利渔船)。在那张专辑中,邦威用非常私人的视角讲述了父母和子女的关系。《郊外》的结尾是充满柔情和怜悯的,因为尽管有太多的哀与怒,拱廊之火从来没有远离过那些父母和孩子们。 The Suburbs is the third studio album by Canadian indie rock band Arcade Fire, released in August 2010. Coinciding with the announcement the band released a limited edition 12-inch single containing two tracks from the album, "The Suburbs" and "Month of May". The album debuted at No. 1 on the Irish Albums Chart, the UK Albums Chart, the U.S. Billboard 200 chart, and the Canadian Albums Chart. It won Album of the Year at the 2011 Grammy Awards, Best International Album at the 2011 BRIT Awards, Album of the Year at the 2011 Juno Awards, and the 2011 Polaris Music Prize for best Canadian album. Two weeks after winning Grammy's Album of the Year, the album jumped from No. 52 to No. 12 on the Billboard 200, the album's highest ranking since August 2010. Arcade Fire released a deluxe edition CD/DVD of The Suburbs on June 27, 2011 (everywhere except the U.S. and Canada). The American and Canadian versions were released on August 2, 2011, to coincide with the original album's anniversary. The new version included two brand new tracks recorded during The Suburbs album sessions ("Culture War" and "Speaking in Tongues" featuring David Byrne), an extended version of album track "Wasted Hours", Spike Jonze's short film, Scenes From The Suburbs, and an 80-page booklet as well as other exclusive content.


