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Progress Live

Progress Live

• 英国史上最轰动的巡回演唱会,听见英国流行音乐20年的进化! • 自1995年以来首度五位团员齐聚演唱会,门票一天内卖出134万张,打破英国单日演唱会门票销售张数最高纪录 • 精彩呈现接招合唱团与罗比威廉斯畅销金曲:Rule The World、Patience、Shine、The Flood、Back For Good、Pray、Angels、Rock DJ Take That/接招合唱团成军20周年最惊人的巡回演唱会变成2011年全球瞩目的双CD演唱会精选大碟【Progress Live】,邀请全球乐迷一起感受数万名粉丝与最受喜爱的英伦流行乐团欢声雷动大合唱的震撼,共同创造演唱会的历史! 2011年夏季,接招合唱团启动英国史上最盛大的巡回演唱会--「The Progress Live Tour」,这是自1995年以来五位团员首度全员到齐的演唱会,门票在2010年10月开卖,一天之内就卖出134万张,打破英国单日演唱会门票销售张数的最高纪录。此次巡回在加场演出声中,于全英29座大型体育场开唱,共计涌入超过180万名粉丝。 【Progress Live】辑录2011年6-7月间于伦敦Wembley体育场以及曼彻斯特Etihad体育场场次的实况精华,像是选为电影「星尘传奇」主题曲的英国金榜亚军曲"Rule The World",英国金榜冠军曲"Greatest Day",由马克欧文担纲主唱的英国电台点播榜第8名单曲"Hold Up A Light";蝉连欧洲热门单曲榜6周冠军,荣获2007年全英音乐奖最佳单曲的力作"Patience";英国金榜双周冠军曲"Shine",英国金榜亚军曲"The Flood",征服全球30国排行冠军抒情金曲"Back For Good",勇夺1994年全英音乐奖最佳单曲殊荣的冠军曲"Pray",电影「X战警:第一战」主题曲"Love Love";组曲"When They Were Young Medley"则贯穿两首英国金榜冠军曲"A Million Love Songs"、"Babe"与英国金榜第8名单曲"Everything Changes"。 5座全英音乐奖最佳男歌手罗比威廉斯也在演唱会中带来单飞时期震撼排行的劲歌,包括:英国全民票选1980-2005年间最受欢迎歌曲第一名的抒情力作"Angels",勇夺欧洲音乐奖与全英音乐奖最佳单曲大奖的冠军曲"Rock DJ",打进全球18国排行榜TOP10心情摇滚佳作"Feel",英国金榜第3名酷歌"Let Me Entertain You"。一次听见英国流行音乐20年的进化,岂能错失! 2011 two CD live release from the reunited British boyband. In 2011, Take That embarked on the biggest tour the UK and Ireland had ever seen, breaking all previous records. The Progress Live Tour went through 29 UK stadiums and played to over 1.8 million people. Named after the three-million-plus selling Progress album that reunited them, the Progress Live 2011 tour, was the first time the band had toured together as a five-piece (Gary Barlow, Howard Donald, Jason Orange, Mark Owen and Robbie Williams) since 1995. The tour's huge production included roller skating bees, a giant purple caterpillar, shaolin monks, dancing chess pieces, a massive 75 foot wall of water, scaled by acrobatic, gravity defying dancers, a huge 60 foot robot nick-named OM who moved down through the audience throughout the set. The entire set was presided over by the "`big man", a massive head and shoulder structure with lasers for eyes, 150 feet above, looking out over the crowds on the top of the stage. Polydor.
