![Quand J'étais Chanteur](http://imge.kugou.com/stdmusic/400/20200909/20200909124831202481.jpg)
Quand J'étais Chanteur
50岁的阿兰·莫罗是个小有名气的舞厅歌手。一天晚上,正在表演的阿兰被金发碧眼的玛丽恩吸引了。27岁的玛丽恩在阿兰老友的房产公司做经纪人。对她一见钟情的阿兰谎称想要置业,于是两人开始频繁在待售的房子里相会。然而有人将一切偷偷看在眼里,还将他们的亲密关系公之于众。爱情与事业成了不可兼得的鱼与熊掌,阿兰该如何选择呢? Gérard Depardieu finds new career tricks by showing off his vocal skills as a dance hall singer in an affecting story that paints a nostalgic picture of a 20-year craft threatened by the onslaught of DJs and karaoke bars. He plays aging entertainer Alain Moreau, who wins the hearts of pensioners, middle-aged ladies and their ilk with heart-rending songs he performs at village discos, homes for the elderly and even the local frog festival. Moreau sings lines such as “I would do all for a flirt with you” and “Live your life to the fullest!” – then goes home to his empty house, where a juke box, a goat and a self-tanning machine are his only companions. Enter the cool and attractive Marion (Cécile de France) as an energetic estate agent and single mother who falls in love with him, starts to change his life, and gently mocks his profession while trying to resist his charms – but not for long. A simple story, beautifully told and acted, When I was a Singer is a highly anticipated French romantic comedy. 谢勒. 狄帕度为他的演艺事业再创高峰,这一次他大展歌喉,演绎一名在夜总会演唱已有廿多年经验的歌手,但他的歌唱生涯却正面临被时下流行的DJ 吧及卡啦OK 吧取代的危机。 片中他饰演年华渐老的艺人阿伦,他经常在乡村的士高、区内的老人院和节日庆典中唱歌助庆,他那些温馨热情的歌曲极受村内的长者及中年太太们的欢迎。 每当演唱完毕,阿伦回到空洞的家中却只有一台点唱机,一只山羊和一部日光机与他为伴。 然而,冷静又迷人的地产经纪马希容(薛西.特法兰丝饰)的出现却令他的生命产生改变。 马希容是一名单亲母亲,开始的时候她经常取笑他的职业,但同时又尝试抗拒他迷人的魅力,但最终还是爱上了他。 本片故事情节简单但叙事和演绎手法极之优美感人,《我当歌手的日子》是一部备受重视的法国浪漫喜剧。 本片的编剧兼导演米高歌治是一位创意无限的创作人,他的电影《无痛失恋》、音乐和广告创作曾赢取多个奖项。
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