Lady Croissant (Live)
• Zero 7、Massiv Attack、William Orbit与Jamiroquai争相邀约动人女声,纽约现场演出全纪录 • Rolling Stone曾列为乐坛「年度十大注目焦点」之一 • 收录曲目囊括与两首Zero 7作品;美国热门影集Six Feet Under动人衬乐;与多首个人经典 • 超值加收全新录音室作品,宛如Aimee Mann般慧黠动人,忠实乐迷不容错过 全名为Sia Furler的Sia来自澳洲南部城市Adelaide,她那纯净且满载情感的嗓音在当地Jazz界十分活跃。她也曾经担任Jamiroquai伦敦现场演出的合音歌手,2000年Sia发行个人首支单曲,一举攻占英国单曲榜第十名,这个来自澳洲的名字开始在英国乐坛发光发热。Massive Attack、Zero 7与William Orbit等重量级音乐人陆续提出合作邀约,她与浪漫派电子乐团Zero 7,至今依旧保持紧密的合作关系。2001年中她再度发表个人单曲,首张个人专辑《Healing Is Difficult》则紧接着在2002年问市。次年发表的第二张大碟《Colour the Small One》,因为其中歌曲获得美国热门影集Six Feet Under选用,大大提高她于欧美两地的知名度。2006年她马不停蹄地展开巡回演出,你手上的这张现场演出专辑《Lady Croissant》,即是她同年4月在纽约的精彩纪录。 专业音乐杂志Rolling Stone当初将Sia列为「年度十大注目焦点」之一,People杂志称赞她的歌声「有如精油蜡烛般抚慰人心」,The New York Times则将她的音乐与Dido及Sarah McLachlan等女歌手做了比较。此张专辑特别加值收录一首全新录音室作品,现场录音则清楚重现贝斯、大提琴、鼓、吉他与键盘等众多乐器营造的微醺气氛,演出曲目包含与两首Zero 7作品,因为美国热门影集Six Feet Under而声名大噪的也一应俱全,也少不了与等多首个人经典。藉由此张专辑,乐迷得以一窥Sia的现场魅力,并重新回顾她一路走来的动人风情。 Called a "mini-album" by her label, Astralwerks, Sia's Lady Croissant is a collection of eight live tracks (from her April 2006 performance in New York's Bowery Ballroom) and one new studio track, the darkly bubbly single, "Pictures." The recordings sound good, the band (bass, cello, drums, guitar, and keys) tight and lush, and Sia herself is spot-on, her vocals rich and passionate. The set here is short (and the actual concert wasn't much longer), but the singer pulls material from both Healing Is Difficult and Colour the Small One (including "Breathe Me," featured in the popular television show Six Feet Under's series finale) as well as two tracks, "Destiny" and "Distractions," from Zero 7's Simple Things (Garden wouldn't come out until June, so unfortunately her contributions to that album aren't included here). There's a song of hers called "Lentil," the only one she introduces by name here, and a Cher/Pretenders — with inspirational credit given to the latter — cover (written by Ray Davies), "I Go to Sleep." Sia, her voice, her style, hearken back to the late '90s, drawing comparisons to early Nelly Furtado and Morley, but the music here, her music, doesn't seem dated or unhip. It's very modern, warm and melodic and cleanly intricate, and shows off Sia's talents well, making Lady Croissant an important listen for her fans, and enough to sway those less familiar with her work into checking out what else she has to offer.