iTunes Session
方大同日前受邀为iTunes Session现场演唱并录制作为特别的版本,于4月1日在iTunes Session抢先上架,收录新歌《天气先生》《危险世界》《PEACE》及《小方》的现场演唱版本,令人期待。 暌违一年四个月,方大同终于要在4月11日全亚洲同步推出全新创作专辑《危险世界》,3月19日开始预购,随即登上台湾博客来、内地亚马逊销售排行榜冠军宝座,在香港iTunes同样拿下热门专辑及热门单曲双冠王。 首批预购限定“冒险者手册版”: 内附超现实领域插画地图 + 危险世界纪实剧照15张 + 未知旅程车票 + 探索书签 让大家和小方-方大同一起“踏入未知,开始冒险”,一起展开方大同的奇幻旅程。 Khalil Fong recorded a live session with iTunes earlier this year in Hong Kong. Listen to the studio versions of the his new songs, which is also included in his upcoming album “Dangerous World”. ( to be released April 11th ) Back by Rhodes electric piano, harmonizing back-up singers and a hard-grooving backbeat, Khalil Fong opens this exclusive live session with a passionate burner in “天气先生”. The Mandopop superstar glides effortlessly between language and pop style throughout the four-song EP, offering a fiery performance of “危险世界” and a guitar-driven rendition of ”Peace” (featuring powerhouse rising R&B star TIA RAY). – iTunes
方大同 4470291 04:39
方大同 3747222 03:54
方大同、袁娅维TIA RAY 4515441 04:42
方大同 3760592 03:54