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很多人说在临死之前可以一瞬间看完看一生中所遇到的人、事、物; 也可以想起还没完成的梦想,ØZI与蛋堡用幽默诙谐的三分钟来回顾这个「过程」 想着那些事还没完成,想多陪家人,想看到酷拉皮卡下船⋯ They say that during near-death experiences (NDE), people relive moments of their lives in sequences of flashbacks. In ØZI and Soft Lipa’s “Death Trip”, the rappers speak humorously upon their unfinished hopes and dreams, and ponders on things they wish they could’ve done while they were alive, all while holding onto their lives inside of a flipping car…