The Big Room
清新可爱的邻家女孩唱着绵密的青春心情日记。来自挪威的窈窕美眉(M2M)的亲和力,总是不着痕迹的拉近与听者的距离。99年底首支单曲《Don't Say You Love Me》顺式搭上皮卡丘横扫美国首部大银幕电影《神奇宝贝》的卖座狂潮,无疑加大情如姊妹的Marion Raven与Marit Larsen的人气。首张大碟《紫色恋情》跃登公告牌热门潜力榜冠军后座,专辑也获得美国滚石杂志3颗半星的佳评。在首张作品全球卖出150万张后,两位美眉累积了巡回演唱时的词曲创作,终于在2001年底发表第二张专辑《白木屋之恋》(The Big Room)。专辑中,我们听见窈窕美眉在和谐美声之外,将温柔的少女芳心做了一些质量的改变,增添了新世代少女自信表态的摇滚浓度。窈窕美眉对于爱情与生活的感觉都有了较细腻的思绪,或许这就是小女生成长的喜悦吧!! This Norwegian duo transcended the glossy teen-pop sound of their debut Shades of Purple through sincere performances and good songwriting. With their sophomore set, Marion Raven (vocals/keyboards) and Marit Larsen (vocals/guitars) take an organic, live approach to their music as they enlist the support of rock veterans including drummer Kenny Aronoff, bassist T-Bone Wolk, and guitarist Jimmy Bones. The results range from tender ballads to energetic pop-rockers. M2M continue to distinguish themselves not only by their catchy vocal harmonies and songwriting talent but by shirking clichés. They don't serenade boys with cutesy ballads, nor do they flaunt sexual innuendoes. This is teen-pop with a genuine sense of romanticism and innocence lacking from the Britneys, Mandys, and Christinas of the world. Marion and Marit's well-crafted songs don't just deal with being and falling in love, they deal with hurt and disappointment. They even get downright catty on "Jennifer," their ode to female jealousy, and give "Miss Popular" a taste of exclusion. Although they may not yet have achieved the multiplatinum American status of other teen singers, the women of M2M should prove to have a much longer career.