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Me In Dat Blue

Me In Dat Blue

LIN是他的姓氏,-ION代表组成他的离子,LINION这个名字是向世界发出的坚定宣言。 小六开始在台湾学乐器的他,很自然玩的都是摇滚乐,直到18岁踏进美国MI音乐学院打开眼界,发现原来要做一直喜爱的黑人音乐并非遥不可及。为了一口气提升实力,LINION每天早上6点半起床,在学校琴房一直练习到晚上10点才回家休息,这个习惯一直延续至今。在别人忙着外出跑趴玩乐的时候,他专注累积各种音乐技能,向Earth,Wind & Fire键盘手学和弦,向Moonchild鼓手学做Beat,一步步接近自己心中理想的音乐世界。 《Me In Dat Blue》这张专辑,纪录了LINION最初蜕变的创作历程。专辑名称的「蓝色」,一方面象征MI所在加州的碧海蓝天,另一方面暗示LINION锺爱的爵士大师Miles Davis名曲〈Blue in Green〉,那间每天苦练琴房墙上挂着的正是他的照片。「蓝色」同时是他在制作期间的心情:好友骤逝、女友兵变、不知何去何从。 注意了!一场曼延全身细胞的听觉体验即将席卷而来,你会牢牢记得他的名字,叫作LINION。 LINION, the name he uses to present himself to the world, is a combination of his surname, Lin, and the word "ion," the very building blocks of his physical composition. He started his musical journey in the sixth grade and entered the prestigious Musicians Institute (MI) at age 18, determined to create the next generation of Asian soul music. To achieve this goal, LINION starts his day practicing in the school piano room from 6:30 in the morning, and works till 10 o'clock in the evening. He has kept up with this routine to this day. While his peers were busy partying, he focused his energy on accumulating a variety of musical skills. He studied chords from keyboard player Henry 'Soleh' Brewer (Earth, Wind & Fire), and beats from drummer Efa Etoroma Jr. (Moonchild), all taking him a step closer to reaching his ideal world of music. His debut album Me In Dat Blue records his original creative process. The 'Blue' in the album's title is in part inspired by the sapphire Californian sky and ocean; it is also an homage to the jazz classic "Blue in Green" by the legendary Miles Davis, whose picture is on the wall of LINION's piano room. "Blue" is also what he felt while producing this album: from the death of a friend, to the betrayal of a lover, and a general sense of loss of direction. Watch out! An auditory experience that spreads throughout the body is about to roll in, and you'll remember his name: LINION.


