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这张专辑记录了我去年患焦虑症之后自救期间的种种心境。从最初的彷徨/失望/悲伤/焦急,迈入了向上的道路,而后生活带着我走上了更好的方向,最终在今年夏天,我获得了淡然的心态,不再焦灼于是否会康复,因为在我心里,我已经不需要它。 专辑名字本想用我看过的书《精神焦虑症的自救》的名字来命名,但觉得《一名焦虑症患者的自救》更加直接,所以就用这个来命名了,音乐中的各个乐段与书中的各个恢复阶段相对应,仅以此曲向克莱尔·威克斯致敬,感谢您的书籍为我带来光明,也希望听到这支曲子的人能够早日走出自己的焦虑泥潭,努力活出自己难忘的人生。 This album is a record of the various emotions I went through during my self-rescue after suffering from anxiety last year. From the initial hesitation/disappointment/sadness/anxiety, I entered the upward road, and then life took me to a better direction. Finally, this summer, I gained an indifferent state of mind and no longer worried about whether I would recover, because in my heart, I did not need it. Album name meant to use the book I have ever seen "the spiritual anxiety self-help" named after, but felt an anxiety disorder patients self-help, more directly, so use this to name, the words in the music passages correspond to the recovery phase of the book, only to salute to Clare Wilkes, thank you for your books bring me light, I also hope that the people who hear this song can get out of their anxiety quagmire as soon as possible, and strive to live their unforgettable life.


