God Bless What?(2)
God Bless What(2)is the other book-end to God Bless What(1). I wanted to put out a Christian oriented project, although I suppose as a follower of Jesus everything I touch, say or do subtly or overtly leads back to the cross, redemption, and the resurrection. Only thru the grace of God and Christ do I carry on. So please do not get overly hung up on my brokeness, my flaws and my sins. Trying to combine hope, satire, cyncism, truth and humor is not always an easy balancing act. Three cuts repeat on this from God Bless What(1). M.I.A.2 has extra lead guitar work whereas Twin Towers has accompanying guitar omitted. Both cuts were worthy of saving. There's No Saturday Night For a Junkie is the same on both. I thought that song needed to be heard by Christians and the secular world alike. Again, GBW(1)was more geared towards secular acceptance but would indeed be a sad miss if skipped over by the Christian audience. Just take the humor, satire,and inability to understand where I'm coming from with a grain of salt and an ounce of compassion... The new Search & Seizure cd is worth a look see but may be too loud and different for some... God Bless.. Truthfully, freddy k
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