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Army of Love Saves the World Again

Army of Love Saves the World Again

Army of Love: ah, a beautiful princess name given by the saints of enthusiasm. Having learned what her mission would be, Amanda Jo Williams slept for 22 hours, learned to play guitar in 336 hours (thanks to her teacher Paul McMahon), and through that process, awakened her creativity, which had lain dormant for twenty years down in Georgia. The songs, channeled from her hidden friends in the sky, would never know their full potential or have the feeling of being in love, if not for Paul McMahon's lead guitar. If you've ever seen geniuses playing together in the yard, you'll see why they enjoy each other's company so, dilly- dallying in the rosebush, running under the water sprinkler, circling the fire pit. On "Saves the World Again," Alana Orr drums, Hollis Smith and Emily Lopez add background vocals, and Drew North plays bass. The rotation has changed since then, finding Mackenzie Parker on drums, and Hollis and Emily having gone bye bye. With this new line-up, there is a new album called, "Witness to the Monkey." It's like a scene out of a war combat movie where the babies are the only ones crawling through the mud and the angels have descended down, only to learn to live in huts and eat grits. Amanda's voice has more twang, released from the leafblower, not vaccum of her soul. Paul's lead guitar, in terms of making love, lasts longer, shares pleasure, and soars. Drew's bass bumps bumps into the night, only like a knight from the old days would, and Mackenzie, from a family of drummers, gives a good impression of rhythm. Wow! This album will be available soon. But no sooner than you are ready for it. It is injected with swamp juice, more countrified, abstractly political, spiritually wise, and often on a brainwave unknown to most men. "Saves the World Again" is feeling left out, so on her behalf I will say, " a piece of work from sweet minds divided by natural disasters, and then multiplied by no boundaries." We just want to feel so good. We want goodness to spread across the land and wipe out whatever feels bad. That's enough for now, but I'll be back. we say... "We make music." "We're happy as all get out." "We're saving the world." "Bye!" ***************** ARMY OF LOVE MANIFESTO RULES: 1. IN THE ARMY OF LOVE WE TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR AS MUCH AS WE CAN. TO DO OTHERWISE WOULD BE BLASPHEMY 2. IN THE ARMY OF LOVE WE TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR NOTHING. TO DO OTHERWISE WOULD BE BLASPHEMY. 3. IF YOU BELIEVE LOVE IS MORE EFFECTIVE THAN HATE YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE ARMY OF LOVE AND SUBJECT TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS THEREOF. ANYTHING LESS WOULD BE BLASPHEMY. 4. NO LOAFING. 5. NO MUMBLING. MUMBLING IS BLASPHEMY 6. NO BLASPHEMY 7. YOU MAY SUBSTITUTE THE WORDS GRAVE ERROR FOR BLASPHEMY. IN THE ARMY OF LOVE WE'RE GLAD IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD. EVEN IF IT ONLY REMINDS US THAT IT'S ALWAYS BEEN THE END OF THE WORLD. LIFE IS SO SAD. LIFE IS A PARADOX. LUCKY WE GOT TWO BOATS. +++++++++++++++++ THE ARMY OF LOVE IS HERE TO SAVE THE WORLD In 1990 I went on a spiritual journey with a medicine man who had been a special forces soldier. He went on the spiritual path to atone for his violent past. During this trip and shortly after I started having dreams of being in the army. I thought of this army as the army of love. I visualized an army of saints, sages and ascended masters, spiritual teachers, avatars, elders, etc. Jesus, Mohammed, Moses and Abraham are all in this army, waging spiritual jihad for world peace, planetary healing and the evolution of humanity. I named my first cd ARMY OF LOVE (2000) in honor of those Beings and later Amanda named the band it. Hey, we're saving the world or else we're not, right? Hey, maybe the world doesn't need saving. And maybe it does, hey hotshot? -Paul McMahon
