思路 (My Lonely Planet)
林一峰作品第九號 國語雙CD專輯「思路my lonely planet」 「My Lonely Planet」是一峰的第九張作品集,秉承其一貫吟遊詩人的氣質,交出出道七年來最極致最完整的音樂概念專輯。和前一張國語雙CD「思生活」不同,「思生活」表達的是日常生活的光明和黑暗面,自嘲式的自戀對自虐式的自省;「My Lonely Planet」要說的是離家和回家。是林一峰最徹底將香港與世界連結在一起的一次。整張專輯由兩張CD組成,共有二十二首曲目,是一張以思想遊歷為中心思想的概念唱片,分別以「去路」和「歸途」整合,從《維多利亞》以愛情故事形式道出香港百年滄桑的宮廷式華爾茲開始,遊遍世界,由紐約到洛杉磯的迷失爵士,到維也納延至都柏林的痛心情歌,由澳洲紅沙漠到中國大陸的公路故事式城市民謠,最後以《老榕樹》溫暖敦厚的管延樂作結,十七首完整歌曲加上五首音樂,二十二首曲目組成有關人、家和旅途的拼圖。一峰以他細膩獨有的筆觸及演繹考妙地連接了他十二年的思路,對旅行、感情及家進行深度思考,以雙唱片的形式展現出他內心深處最完整的概念:「到處走,是為了尋找停下的理由。」 《my lonely planet》is Chet's 9th studio album, and the most ambitious so far. Written through a 12 years span, Chet has travelled around the world, resulting in this double CD effort. CD 1 is about leaving home, CD 2 is coming back. Hong Kong's history is disguised as a lover story of a woman named Victoria, it marks the opening track, bearing the love and life of Victoria, the traveller sets off from New York to L.A., across the continent to various cities in Europe, sails down under to the Red Desert, then tours in China before he's back home - Hong Kong. A collage of people, places, home, Chet condenses his journey of 12 years to 22 tracks, with the theme "Moving around in search of a reason to stay".
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