Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
★ 原本只是迪士尼乐园游乐设施之ㄧ的「加勒比海盗」在亿万制片杰瑞布洛克海默的催生制作下,跃身成为迪士尼电影公司有史以来最卖座的电影—「神鬼奇航」系列,揭开新世纪影坛的海盗冒险传奇的首部曲《神鬼奇航:鬼盗船魔咒》在2003年上映后席卷全球超过6亿5000万美金票房, 电影音乐由德国影音创作尖兵克劳斯巴代特(Klaus Badelt/「康斯坦汀:驱魔神探」、「海神号」)担任音乐作曲,当代电影音乐钜子汉斯季默(Hans Zimmer/「神鬼战士」、「达文西密码」)挂帅制作。 ★ 「神鬼奇航」系列的主干音乐〈He`s A Pirate〉尽情的让电子乐与管弦乐交叠出一段在曲式上极为宏伟,壮阔且深具推进力的主题音乐,这段神采昂扬的乐曲每每在海盗冒险对战的场景中现身,一方面用来提升视频情节的张力指数,一方面则是在刺激观影者的亢奋因子。克劳斯、汉斯以及「遥控制作」电影音乐公司的影音创作精英份子,借由铜管乐、弦乐、号乐与电子乐营造一个庞大的动态音场,让这三者进行一轮又一轮的声响大战,为电影营造磅礡、澎湃、雷霆万钧的视听快感。本片原声带荣获美国作曲家/作家/出版家学会(ASCAP)2004年电影电视音乐奖最卖座电影奖,同时也在2004年的世界电影原声带大奖(World Soundtrack Awards)中入围年度最佳电影原声带项目。 The soundtrack for Pirates of the Caribbean was originally composed by Alan Silvestri, who left the project prior to the film's release. Credited to Klaus Badelt, a protégé of Hans Zimmer, it was hastily assembled at the last minute, resulting in a paint-by-numbers exercise in big studio fluff that required the work of several unnamed composers. Badelt and his mysterious co-conspirators have created a schizophrenic pastiche of Hollywood excess — much like the film itself — disguised as a traditional score. The swashbuckling is propelled by an instantly unmemorable — albeit rousing — motif that contains bits of every action score in existence. "Fog Bound" starts off with a sprightly Celtic flair before dissolving into a generic Jerry Bruckheimer wash of keyboard strings and synthetic flute patches. This is the case for much of the record, resulting in inspired flashes of creativity here and there.
Klaus Badelt 2051761 02:08
Klaus Badelt 1448218 01:30