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File Under: Bebop

File Under: Bebop

Peeping Tom is a french-swedish trio working since 2007 on the music of bebop masters like Charlie Parker, Bud Powell and Thelonious Monk. Their music is bopping ; bebop. The trio is focused on underlining the main characteristics of bebop — various speeds, breaks, fastness and celerity. "On its superb debut album, File Under: Bebop (Umlaut), this clever French-Swedish trio transforms classic tunes by the likes of Charlie Parker, Thelonious Monk, and Bud Powell into delivery systems forloosey-goosey free jazz. Alto saxophonist Pierre-Antoine Badaroux, bassist Joel Grip, and drummer Antonin Gerbal clearly love and understand the hijacked standards, and in each performance PEEPING TOM refer back to abstracted bits of their source material. Their buoyant, spontaneous improvisations are somehow both craggy and lithe, hurtling sure footedly along knotty paths—even at its most chaotic the music is as elegant as it is explosive. — Peter Margasak, The Chicago Reader" "Peeping Tom hackar och stuvar klassikerna till små bångstyriga friboppiga gränsprodukter. Resultatet är en charmerande musikalisk demens som ena minuten nynnar på ett fyrtio- eller femtiotal och i nästa slår om i vild tumult. ... Det är helt enkelt en mycket lyckad och kärleksfull hyllning till en trasslig jazzhistoria. Tänk bara om pubrockens covermentalitet åtminstone hade 10 procent av denna kraft att blåsa liv i musiken, då skulle Bob Dylan inte längre vara en mumie och Ulf Lundell och Bruce Springsteen inte längre vara egyptologer." - Sound of Music "Avant tout, précisions liminaires indispensables, non il ne s'agitpas du projet pop de Mike Patton. Pas plus qu'une soirée hommage ausplendide film de Michael Powell (Le Voyeur) ou à un titre du BlackMarket Music de Placebo. Peeping Tom, c'est aussi un trio de jeunesmusiciens surdoués qui prend un malin plaisir à revisiter, détourne,recycler, pour finalement réinventer des standards du bebop à la saucefree. Et quelle sauce! Brûlante, épicée, avec un méchant goût dereviens-y. Une relecture intense, à cent à l'heure et totalementjouissive, des thèmes de Charlie Parker, Monk, Bud Powell ou Gillespie,dopés par une énergie impressionnante, dynamités par un driveimparable. Un aeil, respectueux, sur le passé, l'autre rivé loindevant, sur un avenir du jazz plus prometteur que jamais. Une toutejeune formation qui, n'en doutons pas, ne devrait à se faire un nom." - Carré Blue - Jazz à Poitiers "No, not the/another Mike Patton-and-all-his-cool-friends vehicle, the Parisian jazz trio. Peeping Tom, a simple unit of acoustic bass, sax and drums, isn't so much another left-leaning jazz ensemble, either - there aren't terrebly bold rewirings or twists in this music - as it is a free jazz band with an exceptional fondness of another kind of free, be bop, leading to its music getting tagged here and there as "free-bop". Cool, smoky jazz-club swing cavorts with art-space playfulness, to put it simply, with delicious results." - Michael Byrne, Baltimore Citypaper
