Maybe Melody is still new to the scene, but it won't take long for her to be a huge part of it. An approachable person with enormous talent, she enjoys meeting her fans and fellow artsits. Her love of singing and writing shows through in her songs like "Please" and "Words" and she continues to surprise with new songs that surpass the last. Melody began singing when she was barely old enough to talk and never stopped. Though her passion was more mainstream sounds, she was in Choirs, and a few musicals including Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. (Playing the narrator.) Never taking proper singing or acting lessons, she had to go by her instincts, but did a very successful perfomance. Someday, she'd like to do more theatre work but is concentrating more on her music. As a girl, Melody moved from Nevada to Washington, where church members encouraged her to continue singing and helping her to open her mind to writing. Diane Winters was a huge factor in her growlth, writing songs for church and inspiring Melody to write spiritual songs which later led to a more pop genre. Later, Melody learned piano and wrote her first real song "All That I Can Ask" then moved on to a duet "Our way Back". She performed only at church, beginning her roots in soft calming vocals and beautifully written harmonies. Melody later acquired a guitar from her cousin, and moved to Utah with her family. She then began perfoming at school and later at Cafe Ibis In Logan. Melody's famliy had trouble finding housing and lived in hotels for over a year where she began learning cover songs and found Sara McLaughlin and the song "Angel". Melody says " That song changed my life. I was very depressed. The line in the chorus where she says 'In the arms of the Angel, fly away from here, from this dark cold Hotel room, and the loneliness that you fear' was the most amazing thing I ever heard. I felt like she had been in my situation, and has felt how I felt." That's when she knew she wanted to write music from deep in her heart. She wanted to connect with others, making them feel that she'd been there before, making them feel less alone and know that she made it though what ever life handed her. Melody has never concerned herself with the money in music. "If you want to be a rich superstar, chances are, you'll never have that in the accoustic scene" she says. But the adrenaline and passion she feels on stage were as addictive as any drug, so she plays where ever, when ever, for anyone that will listen, and will continue to to so until the day she dies. Recently, she and fellow musician/boyfriend Tyler Forsberg founded 'The Acoustic All-Stars" in Park City Utah, which will be an anual event. "There isn't a big enough market for acoustic artists so we felt that if we get a bunch of amazing acts together we can bring more people in". The Acoustic All-Stars was a sucess (being the first year), and many of the artists were able to meet each other for more connections and have the ability to help each other out with recording, performing, and even touring. " I just want to see everyone helping each other out, whether they make money or not. Just for the love of really good music. THAT'S what I love about music. It's about brotherly love if you're in it for the right reasons."