Yankee Go Home
Yankee Go Home is a song that originated in the early nineties and was created out of a profound sadness that came over me while watching a series of news reports about ongoing racial conflict. Federal Judge Robert Vance of Alabama, a judge that had sided with the civil rights movement early in his career, and civil rights attorney Robert Robinson of Savannah, GA were killed by letter bombs. David Duke a former Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux klan was elected to Congress in Louisiana. Black youths were beaten and killed by a mob of white teens in Howard Beach, New York in a racial attack. Friends were turning on friends, politicians twisting hate for their cause and calling for white rights, kids killing kids. I realized then that we had not come as far as we thought in the civil rights movement, and that there still was a lot of bigotry and hatred in this country much of which still permeates society today. The Travon Martin killing in 2012 by George Zimmerman in Florida, Frasier Glen Miller/Miller gunning down what he thought were Jews in Missouri and the L.A. Clippers' Donald Sterling private statements are some current examples. Observations of racial injustice from 20 years ago are playing out today in the news. East, west, north and south... it doesn't matter where you are. Racism lives in the heart not on the map. When you listen to this song twenty years from now what will be going on around you? Will it be the same or better? Listen and think about what can be accomplished with love rather than hate.