Hallway Weather
迄今为止,已累计获得了超975M流媒体数据瞩目的21岁的NIKI,始终坚持自主创作、录制和制作自己的歌曲,勇敢地打破了作为“流行偶像”的定式。这位出生在雅加达,现居LA的女孩,正吸引着整个世界的目光,Billboard盛赞她是“冉冉升起的最耀眼的新星之一”。自推出个人EP《Zephyr》和个人首张专辑《MOONCHILD》以来,NIKI以其富有表现力的嗓音,极具个人特色的歌曲创作能力以及风格突出的艺术氛围,赢得了广泛的赞誉,逐渐成为亚洲新生代音乐艺术家充满活力的象征与代言人。 继今年早先发布的个人首张录音室专辑《MOONCHILD》,NIKI带来的最新的单曲“Hallway Weather”,是她重拾唱作人身份的一次回归。在人声吉他和轻柔的鼓点应和下,NIKI用略带忧伤的音色唱出对于节日欢聚的期望。在这支单曲中,她思索圣诞季的意义,在怀念亲友的相聚的同时也享受着沉浸在自我的的孤独中的感受。“Hallway Weather”是一首美丽而略带哀伤的节日曲目,与这支单曲一起是你为2020画下圆满句号的不二之选。 NIKI分享“Hallway Weather”背后的故事:“我在两周前写出了这首歌,这支作品是我在成为‘NIKI’前所最常创作的那种类型,也仍然是我目前最自然地会被吸引的,歌曲创作与人声表达的结构。在这个很多人都被从自我的常态抽离的一年中,我认为结束它最好的方式,就是回到能让我感觉最像我自己的地方。创作这首歌照亮了我今年的时光。” With over 975M+ streams to date, 21-year-old NIKI has slammed the door on the conventions of pop stardom—writing, recording, and producing her music on her own. Born in Jakarta and based in Los Angeles, NIKI has captured the attention of audiences around the world, earning praise from Billboard “as one of the brightest rising stars.” Earning wide critical acclaim since her breakthrough EP, ‘Zephyr’, and her debut album, ‘MOONCHILD’, NIKI has cultivated fans around the globe with her expressive voice, personal songwriting and genre-blurring artistry, becoming a vibrant symbol of – and an advocate for – a generation of Asian musical artists. Following the release of her debut studio album, ‘MOONCHILD’ earlier this year, NIKI’s latest single “Hallway Weather” is a return to her singer-songwriter roots. Over acoustic guitar and soft drums, NIKI sings with melancholy as she longs for holiday cheer. Throughout the track, she ruminates on the Christmas season, yearning for her friends and family while simultaneously basking in her own solitude. “Hallway Weather” is a somber but beautiful holiday track, a fitting way to close out 2020. About “Hallway Weather”, NIKI shared: “I wrote this two weeks ago! This is the kind of music I always used to make before I was NIKI, and remains the type of songwriting & sonic scape that I am naturally most drawn to. In a year that forced many of us to drift far away from ourselves, I thought the best ending to it would be by returning to a place that makes me feel the most... me. Writing this song really saved my year.”