霓虹花园首张正式专辑《再见威尔逊》同名主打歌。 歌曲灵感源于主唱谭聪羽中看过的一部叫作《荒岛余生》的电影,电影讲述的是男主人公因航班飞行的意外坠落在海里,最后在一个荒岛上生活多年的故事。而威尔逊则是陪伴男主角的伙伴,这个伙伴并不是一个真实的人,而是一个皮球,是跟他一起坠机之后散落的物品。在岛上求生的那些岁月里,男主人公一直和这个皮球交流、相处,给他画上了眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴,还给他取名叫“威尔逊”。 2020年,整个世界都像是“荒岛”一样的存在,每个人的内心也都需要一个“威尔逊”这样的角色,他是代表希望的伙伴,给我们重生的勇气和力量。 愿这首歌,能成为我们和你共同的“威尔逊”。 The title song which owns the same name of NeonGarden’s first studio album “See You Again, Wilson.” The song is inspired by a movie called "Cast Away" seen by the lead singer Tsong Tsong Tan. Tom Hanks plays a FedEx employee Chuck Noland stranded on an desert island after his plane crashes in the South Pacific. Wilson is not a real person but a ball. During the years of surviving on the island, the ball is Chuck's only companion. He draws his eyes, nose and mouth, naming the ball "Wilson". In 2020, the whole world exists like a "desert island", and everyone needs a role like "Wilson" in their hearts, who is a partner on behalf of hope and gives us the courage and strength to be reborn. We hope this song can be "Wilson" for us and for you.
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