Renext我敢 世界巡回演唱会
历时两年,走过全球40多个城市、巡回演出51场次,「我敢」的演唱会版图从亚洲一路唱到美洲、欧洲、大洋洲, 让刘若英的封号从「文艺天后」摇身一变成为「演唱会女王」。 两年、730天、17520小时、63,072,000秒,每一场独一无二的演唱会的回忆典藏重现,限量推出《刘若英Renext我敢 世界巡回演唱会 精装版》,8/9正式发行。 In the past two years, through more than 40 cities around the world, 51 concerts , RENE "Renext" concert layout starts from Asia all the way to Americas, Europe, Oceania. Rene Liu successfully become ''the Queen of concert'' Two years, 730 days, 17520 hours, 63,072,000 seconds, each of the unique concert memories, RENE “Renext” world tour concert Live , 8/9 Officially released.
刘若英 4100819 04:16
刘若英 4718157 04:54
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刘若英 4530897 04:43
刘若英、kiroro 4422664 04:36
刘若英 4181395 04:21
刘若英 5542780 05:46
刘若英 4015977 04:10
刘若英、周迅、汤唯、桂纶镁 4338662 04:31
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刘若英 4820555 05:01