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1991年推出首张同名专辑《STEELHEART》,SHE‘S GONE等歌曲都成为排行榜上的职业杀手,其中I’LL NEVER BEFORE在短短三天之内就爬到了BILLBROARD榜的第14名,特别要说明的是SHE‘S GONE这首悲伤的爱情歌曲,在乐队的演义下显得充满了灵性,整首歌用钢琴托底,以吉他点缀加上主唱撕破心一样的高音,使得它成为首足可以要一个人听后流泪的歌曲,所以向来以全世界最悲情民族之称的韩国将此歌买下作为他们一部电视剧的插曲。 by Doug Stone Possessing metal pipes like few before him, leonine Steelheart yelper Michael Matijevic scarred the airwaves forever when he hammered the simply unmatchable chorus of the hairball "I'll Never Let You Go": ludicrous and sublime, akin to Whitney Houston hitting the hot spot in "I Will Always Love You." The opening strands of "Everybody Loves Eileen" bring Ratt out of the cellar before the cut curls into a pop n' fresh roller coaster ride. The remainders on this ridiculous dish are also overlong examples of excess but not as memorable, paying homage to Whitesnake and other flailing stylistic ventures. "I'll Never Let You Go" is available on some quality collections and no aficionado of poodle pomp should let that song go, otherwise leave Steelheart in peace with the music it helped lay to rest.


