从前慢 - 现场版
“从前的日色变得慢 车 马 邮件都慢 一生只够爱一个人” 木心先生的《从前慢》用简短的语句把人们带回了那些被怀念追忆的过去, 现在上海彩虹室内合唱团重新演绎了刘胡轶作曲的改编作品,希望让旋律带着词句进入听者的心里,拾起那些温情的旧时光。 词:木心 曲:刘胡轶 合唱改编:金承志 演唱:上海彩虹室内合唱团 指挥:金承志 钢琴伴奏:白苑彤 录音:莫家伟 录制地点:上海东方艺术中心 “Days were slower in the past, When carriages and mails didn’t run fast, When it’d take a life-time to be wedded to the one you loved.” Penned by the renowned Chinese poet Muxin, the poem “Time Went Slower in the Past”, with its concise verses, had left generations of readers reminiscing about their past. Now the Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers are rendering this poem in a chorus composed by Huyi Liu, with the intention of moving the audience with its mollifying melody and beautiful verses to the extent that they will recall their respective heart-warming past moments. Music by Huyi Liu Lyrics by Muxin Performer: Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers Piano accompanist: Yuantong Bai Recording and Mixing Engineer: Jiawei Mo Recording Place: Shanghai Oriental Art Center