亲亲我,我的小猫咪 - 现场版
“亲亲我,我的小猫咪,我多想唱歌给你听” “此刻的风啊,就像天鹅绒在我的脸上蹭来蹭去” “你要不要,跟我回家” ——最温柔缱绻的,是此刻的风,和此刻的你。 改编自金承志创作的同名独唱歌曲 词/曲:金承志 指挥:金承志 演唱:上海彩虹室内合唱团 钢琴伴奏:白苑彤 录音/混音:莫家伟 录制地点:上海东方艺术中心 ‘Give me a peck, my kitty-cat, how I wish to sing you a song. ’ ‘With a velvety touch, the wind caresses my cheek’ ‘Would you like to come home with me? ’ The chorus version of this song is arranged from a solo with the same title, and its debut performance had held thousands in enthrallment, what with its effusiveness as a love song. Music by Chengzhi Jin Lyrics by Chengzhi Jin Performer: Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers Piano accompanist: Yuantong Bai Recording and Mixing Engineer: Jiawei Mo Recording Place: Shanghai Oriental Art Center