稼轩长短句 - 现场版
《稼轩长短句》是上海彩虹室内合唱团的又一合唱艺术套曲专辑,由艺术总监金承志为辛弃疾的四首词作曲而成。音乐上,金承志用自己理解的中国风格音乐去做情绪的描绘,根据词作的抑扬顿挫仔细安排了段落;在演唱上,整张专辑开创性地使用宋代汉语拟音来演唱。不仅仅勾勒出辛弃疾人生的四个重要片刻,更描绘了当时当下的意境和画面。 为什么选择辛弃疾的词做改编演唱?在创作者金承志看来,与其他宋代词人不同,辛弃疾一直心怀少年气,从未成为“老朽”。作为一位真正上场杀过敌,单骑千里的文人,辛弃疾的热血、柔情、家国情怀,都是非常独一无二的。相信每位年轻人都能从辛弃疾的词中找到属于自己的喜、怒、哀、乐。 在宋代,词是用来“唱”的,为了尽力还原那时的语韵,金承志专门邀请长期研究中古汉语的团员严实博士来制定作品的发音标准。同时,根据辛弃疾本人在作品中呈现的情绪来创作音乐。这种古今之间的交错使词句更加动人,让人体会到文化随时间流淌而不消融的魅力。 曲:金承志 词:辛弃疾 演唱:上海彩虹室内合唱团 钢琴伴奏:吴经纬 录音/混音:莫家伟 录制地点:上海交响乐团音乐厅 ‘Jia Xuan Ci ( Lyrical poetry of the Song dynasty by Qiji Xin )’ is an artistic song cycle album by Rainbow Chamber Singers (RCS). One pioneering characteristic of the album is that all songs in it are sung in archaic Chinese language of the Song dynasty, which helps portray the four significant moments of the poet’s life. From the perspective of Chengzhi Jin, the songwriter of the album, Qiji Xin, among all poets of the Song dynasty, is the one who always harbors a young and impartial mentality that never becomes pedantic or bigoted. From his works, every youngster can trace the feelings of his or her own. In the Song dynasty, Ci was performed in the form of singing. In order to revitalize its linguistic charm and stay faithful to its original version, Chengzhi Jin has invited Dr. Shi Yan, a member of RCS with a background of the ancient Chinese language, to help establish a set of pronunciation standards, in the process of orchestrating music in accordance with the emotional ambience created by Qiji Xin in his works. The interweavement of modernity and antiquity helps interpret the lyrics in a more vivid light, thus impressing the audience with the notion that a culture won’t fade as time flows by. Music by Chengzhi Jin Lyrics by Qiji Xin Performer: Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers Piano accompanist: Jingwei Wu Recording and Mixing Engineer: Jiawei Mo Recording Place: Shanghai Symphony Orchestra Hall