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非物质文化遗产即墨大鼓书遇见法国乌德琴之创新制作。 优美唱腔,应搭悦耳伴奏;韵味十足,风趣生动语言;传统说唱,独特方言魅力;唱词韵辙,唱为主间以评白;巧妙融合,新颖别致有趣;中鼓西电,提升潮流高度;委婉细腻,巧俏善说演文书;字少腔繁,曲调华丽而细腻;色彩浓郁,蕴藏丰富历史;浓郁乡音,赋予艺术感染力;衔接紧凑,突出所唱书目章回;即墨方言,沿袭东鲁大鼓。 DuOud邂逅大鼓书艺术,醉人乡音听大鼓,一歌一事一段理。 An innovative work which based on non-material cultural heritage Jimo Drum Ballad and French Oud. Beautiful songs should be accompanied with melody, as well as full of lasting appeal, humorous and vivid languages. Traditional rap has unique dialectal charm. The primary and secondary things are lyrics and rhythms respectively.Ingenious mixing makes it fancy and interesting, while both Chinese drums and Western electronic instruments have improved the altitude of trend. Euphemistic exquisite, specialize in singing ballads and less lyrics with more rhythms make the music gorgeous and smooth. Bright in color with a long history and the strongly accent gives it art infection. Compact connection can highlight chapters of novels. Dialects of Jimo alone the way of drums in Shandong Province. DuOud meets with Drums Ballad, wonderful accents can be heard in Drum Ballad, and every song tells a story and a truth. 整张专辑制作信息 Album Info 制作:新乐府 Production:CMH China Music House 联合制作:即墨古城 Co-Production: Jimo Ancient City 制作人:卢中强 & DuOud Produced by: LU Zhongqiang & DuOud 监制:周侠 Supervisor: ZHOU Xia 总策划:Nola Promoter: Nola 录音/混音:吴超雄 @CMH Studio Sound & Mixing Engineer: WU Chaoxiong @CMH Studio 装帧设计:泡泡王 Art work: Paopao Wong 版权管理:王晴 Copyright management: WANG Qing 录音棚:新乐府录音棚 Recording Studio:CMH Recording Studio 实景录音:即墨古城 Live Action Recording: Jimo Ancient City 出品:即墨古城 Production:Jimo Ancient City 联合出品方:中唱集团、十三月文化 Co-Production: CRC, 13-Month C&C 实体出版及发行:中国唱片(上海)有限公司 CD/LP distribution: China Record (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 鸣谢:Cécile Chencis & Tsong Dao Prod. Special Thanks: Cécile & Tsong Dao Prod. 版权提供:北京十三月文化传播有限公司 Copyright:13-Month Culture & Communication Co., Ltd (Beijing) 艺术家介绍 1、即墨大鼓书 即墨大鼓起源于明末清初,盛兴于清末民初,发源于即墨,在中国民间曲艺中是一门有近300年历史的说唱艺术,主要流传于即墨全境及周边崂山、莱阳等山东半岛地区。即墨大鼓又称即墨大鼓书,说唱内容以历史传奇与民间故事等内容为主,包含多种曲艺形式以及说、唱、演、评、噱、学六种表现手法,以增强其表达感染力。 Jimo Drum originated in the late Ming and early qing dynasties, flourished in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China,and originated in Jimo. In Chinese folk art, Jimo Drum is a rap art with a history of nearly 300 years, which is mainly spread throughout Jimo and surrounding Laoshan, Laiyang and other Shandong peninsula areas. Jimo Drum, also known as Jimo Drum Ballad, mainly consists of historical legends and folk stories. Its rap content includes various forms of Chinese folk art and six ways of expression, namely speaking, singing, acting, commenting, and learning, to enhance its appeal. 2、特邀音乐家:DuOud Invited Artists: DuOud DuOud,BBC Radio 3世界音乐奖2003年度获奖乐团,由两位法国乌德琴演奏家组成。出生在突尼斯的让-皮埃尔·斯马贾,他以艺名SMADJ发行的多张专辑倍受关注;出生在阿尔及利亚的乌德琴大师梅赫迪·哈达布因,成名于早年著名的法国三人团Ekova和近年的Speed Caravan乐队。这对音乐家将北非的音乐遗产与最新西方技术结合,建立起一个独特的音乐圈层,一方面关注自身的非洲基因,一方面吸收并改编当代音乐风格中的breakbeats、爵士律动、金属吉他等,其作品中也常见其他传统素材。 DuOud (BBC – Radio 3 Awards World Music 2003) consists of two oud playing. Tunisian born Jean-Pierre Smadja (already noted for many albums he issued as SMADJ), and Algerian born master oud player Mehdi Haddab (known for his work with the acclaimed French based trio, Ekova, and more recently Speed Caravan). Blending their North African heritage with the latest Western technology, the pair builds a musical cycle that looks to their African roots while absorbing and morphing contemporary music styles – breakbeats, jazz grooves and metal guitar... or other traditional material.


