“越过沙漠我扎进大海 把海底世界一口气探寻” “空乘好帅 我无法呼吸” “持续做梦吧 天真的少女” ——《想要去旅行》 每一场白日梦都是催促着你离开无聊日常的闹铃,偶尔也要赖皮一下,不去管邮箱里一面面红色小旗帜和八点档一样的糟心事。 彩虹想让你心底的少女好好享受这个灿烂的季节,继续做梦,开启旅程!像掷出的纸飞机,爽朗地冲向远方去。 词曲:金承志 指挥:金承志 演唱:上海彩虹室内合唱团 钢琴伴奏:吴经纬 录音/混音:莫家伟 “From deserts to the ocean, dive into the undersea world for an exploration” “Get on a plane where the steward is breathtakingly hot” “Keep on dreaming, you innonent girl” ——————“Want to go on a trip” Every bout of woolgathering is an agency through which you manage to escape from the dull trivialities of your daily life. Be occasionally sassy, worry not about the unread e-mails and daily hassles, keep on dreaming and embark on a journey, because we, the Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers, want you to enjoy what this golden season has to offer, and we encourage you to go somewhere far away in a sprightly spirit, just like a thrown paper plane. Word/Music by Chengzhi Jin Conductor: Chengzhi Jin Performers: Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers Piano accompanist: Jingwei Wu Sound engineer: Jiawei Mo