我为你而来 却无处安放 雨,久下不停 天晴后再度展翅 直至遇见美好,以及更好的自己 首张个人EP《Beautiful》展现动静皆宜唱跳俱佳 去体验,去感受,去爱上多面的 赵品霖 全能ACE,从《以团之名》人气C位出道直至首张EP的诞生,历经3个多月的打磨用心呈现,两首歌曲集萃了Electronic Dance Music和抒情R&B情歌曲风,AB两面,从无到有戏剧性演绎陷入苦恋无法摆脱,另一面甜蜜柔情满满男友力,两面都是他,如同舞台上深情演唱和动感舞蹈相互交织,感受力和表现力的完美呈现。 Pinlin Zhao First solo EP Beautiful A Singer, A Dancer, A Performer The first solo EP album Beautiful by Pinlin Zhao features two love songs and a versatile talent. He is a heartbroken man who is eager for love and in the second song, he is the sweetest boyfriend. This first solo EP shows how a young idol becomes a perfect performer in the stage.