The Dreamers (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
1968年法国学运前夕,三位年轻人因为对电影的热爱而相遇。马修是来自美国的交换生,在巴黎进修,在那里他结识了一对兄妹席奥与伊沙贝,三人因为都是狂热的电影爱好者,迅速打成一片。学运开始后,政府被迫停止运作,在动荡的五月里,大学罢课,三个年轻人无事可做,在房间里玩起了对台词的游戏,无意间,三人的关系发生了微妙而极端的变化……作为外来者的马修在异乡遇到如此奇特的情事将如何应对?由于影片的三位主角都是狂热影迷,在片中有很多三人聚在一起聊电影的场景,充满了许多文化交流。这使得《戏梦巴黎》成了又一部“给狂热影迷看的电影”,在片中,三人会从卓别林侃到巴斯特·基顿(Buster Keaton),并模仿戈达尔的《法外之徒》(Bande a part)中同为一女两男的三名主角跑过卢浮宫的场景(或许这是贝托鲁奇在向《法》片致敬)。我们可以看到在玛琳·黛德丽(Marlene Dietrich)的画像旁边放置着毛泽东的画像,而大画家德拉克洛瓦的名作“自由指引人民”被席奥与伊沙贝加上了玛丽莲·梦露(Marilyn Monroe)的脸。喜欢《杀死比尔》的影迷,一定可以在本片中获得同类的观影快感。 a song by big brother and the holding company (featuring janis joplin) makes an appearance in the film The Dreamers, twice. yet, is not included with the soundtrack CD. the song is titled "i need a man to love" and the version used in the film is not the "cheap thrills" version but another version that can be found on the cd "live at winterland 1968". one more short snippet of a 'cheap thrills' song "combination of the two" heard during the film is also from this winterland '68 cd. a 2nd Doors song "maggie m'gill" is heard during the film but not available on the soundtrack cd . and a bob dylan song "queen jane approximately" is also heard during the film but is not included on the soundtrack cd.
Françoise Hardy 3031672 03:09
antoine duhamel 3055559 03:11