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《感觉身体被掏空》是一部直指当下年轻人加班痛点的音乐作品,我们希望以幽默的笔触调侃繁重压力下的年轻人生活。同时黎明先生也以声音客串的形式受邀“扮演”歌曲中老板一角。这首歌就像一把彩虹糖,在彩虹尚未真正出现时,告诉自己生活依然很甜。 词曲:金承志 指挥:金承志 演唱:上海彩虹室内合唱团 钢琴伴奏:吴经纬 封面设计:三水 So Far, the Sofa is So Far directly points out that nowadays people are overworking and we write it into our song in the form of jocosity. A celebrity Mr. Li Ming was invited to play a role of boss in the song by asking for working overtime. We regard the song as a handful of skittles for we believe that life is always as sweet as skittle even though sometimes it’s hard.