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On The Road To Recovery
The mixtape is finally completed! Mart85 has spent his time on making this mixtape. From the snippets we have listened, the tape already sounds dope. And I bet it is. I mean, come on, we are talking about MART85'S REMIXES! 这是国外一个论坛的版主发布这个mixtape时说的话,这个Mart85什么来头我不清楚,后面有人说他应该去给Em制作新专辑,在重点推荐之下,我好奇下了这个mixtape。事实证明这些夸赞的话都不是白说,这个Remix的mixtape很棒,绝对不是白下。在等待Recovery的这最后一个月,不妨先听听这张mixtape,On The Road to Recovery,Cant leave Rap Alone!