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In The Shadows Of The Sun

In The Shadows Of The Sun

这张盘是Nirvana的! 演唱会剪接精选 一场声势浩大的演唱会 没有任何装饰过的声音 一个另类音乐的开始 一段传奇写照 虽然Kurt Cobain离开我们已经13个年头了 他的精神会影响一代又一代热爱摇滚的愤情 感谢上帝把一个从来没有装饰过的声音送给每一个喜欢 Nirvana的喜欢Kurt Cobain朋友们. is disc is great! The artwork is great and the show is great! I love it, this has to be one of the best In Utero shows ever. The show is very energetic, and features a great Territorial Pissings. Kurt talks to the crowd quite a bit and tells the audience (after 'Serve The Servants') to throw rocks at a big neon guitar after the show. At the beginning of Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam' the cello is very out of tu


