When We Were Small
坦白说,假如一时之间听了太多轻柔甜美的民谣音乐,很容易造成混淆,个个都像喝白开水一样,分辨不出箇中奥妙滋味;然而,听著 Rosie Thomas 的作品,却丝毫不让人感受到这种烦恼:因为一样是温柔美丽的旋律、悠扬流畅的歌声,Rosie Thomas 营造出的氛围却极为独特--她善於融合两种不同的极端:在那清亮甜美的嗓音中,隐隐透著饱经风霜的沧桑感;梦幻飘渺的色彩里,却又让人深刻感受到十足脚踏实地的草根气息。综观摇滚史上,似乎只有 Joni Mitchell能与之匹敌吧! 在她的音乐中,流露著对生命深切的感性与关怀,包括童年、梦想、爱、希望,都以极其诗意的方式,在清淡词句中呈现深刻感;简单的吉他、风琴、钢琴,交织出清新、简朴的音乐风貌,彷彿是杯蕴含无穷深邃滋味的顶级绿茶,沁人心脾,引人回味。 这张於 2002 发行於 Sub Pop 的《 When We Were Small 》,是 Rosie Thomas献给家人的一份深情挚礼;开场曲 "2 Dollar Shoes" 诉说著父母终将与子女分离,那种不舍却又无奈的情绪;"Farewell" 流露著悠缓的感伤,"Wedding Day"让婚礼上千头万绪的泪水更显晶莹剔透;"Lorraine" 诉说著女孩离家远行的心境,"Finish Line"、"October" 则以温柔的语调激励著对未来、对爱有疑问的每一颗心灵。"I Run" 则是这张专辑里风格比较特殊的一首,以较为阴黯、低幽的风格,歌唱著成长与生命的无奈、亟欲挣脱。"Charlotte" 也感嘆著对岁月流逝的无力,与接下来的 "Have You Seen My Love" 一样,以极缓板呈现出温柔、成熟的感受。"Bicycle Tricycle" 也是一首充满回忆感伤、归乡游子情怀的慢板歌曲。 This is Rosie's first long player. Ten songs, focused on vivid childhood memories and images from the perspective of a young girl in the process of growing up, dealing with complex emotions. Peppered with audio samples from her childhood, the record spotlights Rosie's striking voice, which rings out wonderfully in the spirit of Joni Mitchell. When We Were Small is Rosie Thomas' debut full-length and on it she sings, plays guitar and piano.
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