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Winter Songs

Winter Songs

深情诠释木匠兄妹经典“I Won’t Last A Day Without You”、赛门与葛芬柯的思乡名曲"Homeward Bound",民谣巨星琼妮米契儿感人代表作"River"及2009年罗南全新创作曲"It’s Only Christmas"、"Scars" To my friend & brother, Steo. Miss you pal, always. 献给我的好友和兄弟 史蒂芬 你永远在我心中。在最想念的季节,我们听到最温暖的歌声,罗南、继排行冠军专辑『Songs For My Mother』之后,完成全新录音专辑【Winter Songs冬之恋自选辑】,准备推出的同时,却心碎的送别男孩特区的挚友史蒂芬,专辑中有着史蒂芬的最后录音,罗南整理情绪将整张专辑献给天上的他,他说这是史蒂芬最动人的歌声,「听起来就像天使,而我相信他已经成为天使。」   2009年对罗南而言是相当特别的一年。2月他与Take That主唱Gary Barlow一起参与慈善机构Comic Relief所发起的攀登非洲吉力马札罗山活动,募得350万英镑;3月发表『Songs For My Mother』专辑,4月投身伦敦马拉松活动,5月与创造2000万张专辑销售的Boyzone乐团好友展开为期两个月的巡回演唱,9月与Tom Jones、Robert Plant、Razorlight等艺人乐团参与援助Nordorf-Robbins音乐治疗公司的慈善演唱会。就在他努力参加慈善演出的同时,10月却发生团员好友史蒂芬的突然辞世,对于罗南及其他男孩特区团员都是难以接受的事实,他不但在身上刺上纪念好友的刺青,也在这张专辑中亲笔道出对好友的思念,感情之深,溢于言表。   【Winter Songs】由制作过『Songs For My Mother』的老牌制作人Steve Lipson担纲制作,罗南从传统圣诞歌单选到60年代至今深受欢迎的冬日之歌,除了与已故团员史蒂芬最后珍贵的合唱曲"Little Drummer Boy"外,还有木匠兄妹的冠军经典“I Won’t Last A Day Without You”、传奇重唱组合赛门与葛芬柯1966年描述游子思乡情怀的TOP5名曲"Homeward Bound"、获颁葛莱美终身成就奖的民谣创作女歌手Joni Mitchell,描述伤心恋情与思乡情绪的感人代表作"River"、亚特兰大乡村摇滚名团Sugarland勇夺2009年葛莱美两项大奖的畅销曲"Stay",以及永垂不朽的圣乐经典"Silent Night",隽永的节庆祝福"Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas"。专辑中罗南也搜寻了自己难忘的冬季回忆,写成了"It’s Only Christmas"、"Scars"这两首新歌。   歌唱生涯至今,罗南发行过6张个人专辑,其中4张空降英国金榜冠军,他也是金氏世界纪录史上唯一一位连续创造30首英国金榜TOP10单曲的艺人,历年的全球专辑销售超过2200万张,罗南也预计在2010年展开自2004年以来首度个人巡回演唱会。罗南以最感恩的心情献上【Winter Songs】专辑,他说:「我充满感激,谢谢你们一直陪在我身边。」 2009 holiday release from the leader of Boyzone. Following the success of Ronan Keating's international #1 album Songs For My Mother released earlier this year, Ronan has recorded another special set of songs entitled Winter Songs. Teaming up again with Songs For My Mother producer Steve Lipson, Ronan has pulled together a set of 11 songs that evoke special memories of winter and Christmas for him. Winter Songs is a mix of traditional and modern festive classics, including tracks from artists such as Simon & Garfunkel, Joni Mitchell and Grammy Award winning Sugarland. Along with these, Ronan has also included the poignant Christmas Hymn `Silent Night' and the beautiful `Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas'. The album also includes two brand new Ronan songs: `Its Only Christmas' and `Scars'. Polydor.  
