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My Funny Valentine: At The Movies

My Funny Valentine: At The Movies

Sting从前唱爵士出身,大学即和同伴组成爵士乐队在酒吧驻唱。后来的警察虽然是一支慢摇滚乐队,但依然有Sting的个人风格。再后来,警察乐队解散,Sting单飞,唱了一些爵士,很多翻唱自经典曲目,不少是选作电影主题曲。     2005年Sting出了一张电影主题音乐的唱片《AT the movies》,收录很多电影主题曲,如《My one and only love》、《Angle eyes》,选自电影《远离赌城》(Leaving Las Vegas)。这部拍摄于1995年的电影几乎获得当年所有电影奖项,讲述了一个绝望的故事,电影里充斥的是刻骨的悲凉和颓废。这部电影在香港的译名为《两颗绝望的心》,非常贴合剧情,虽然显得过于坦白了一些。Sting的声音听起来冷漠和安静,然而你却能感受到其后隐藏的悲伤和无望,以及永远也不曾迸发的热情。 If there is one thing that Sting is under appreciated for, it is his contributions on movie soundtracks. I personally think that its great when artists contribute a song or two on moive soundtracks. Some argue that most artists put songs on soundtracks so you will go out and get that cd just for the one song. In this day of downloadable music (legal downloads, of course), you can create an entire new cd of music from individual songs of one artist. This cd shows you don't need to go through all the trouble and just get this recording.


