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The French Love Album

The French Love Album

  本辑收录了Celine Dion原先仅限在加拿大及欧洲法语地区所发行过的七张专辑,或精选作品中的14首精彩佳作,其中包括了:展现纯熟演唱技巧与丰沛情感所发行的首张法文专辑“La Voix Du Bon Dieu”的同名曲;缔造魁北克地区多白金销量纪录并成为当年度最畅销的专辑“Les Chemins de Ma Maison”的标题曲,满载着幸福的香氛。   以及“Mon Ami M'a Quittee”“Ne Me Plaignez Pas”两首畅销单曲;荣获Felix奖"年度最佳专辑""年度最畅销专辑"双项大奖且在法国破金唱片销售纪录的作品‘Melanie’中的 “Benjamin”“Trois Heures Vingt”“Trop Jeune A Dix Sept Ans”等三首代表作,以及美声咏赞调“C'est Pour Vivre”,激起追求幸福的勇气;唱出对恋人思念的“Je Ne Veux Pas”,写意的情境透着失去的沉重;打从心里的微笑因为有爱的“En Amour”...等;纯净的音乐衬托出优美的歌声,令人沉醉不已! This Celine Dion offering, the French Love Album, was released in the summer of 200l, but it really holds some of her earlier work from the '80s. If you are a Dion fan and accustomed to hearing her sing in English, you should take a listen to this 14-track album where this gifted Canadian artist with the beautiful voice weaves her magical spell in French, her elegant native language. Even if you can't understand the words, you can enjoy the sound and feel the emotions during such notable tunes as "Je Ne Veux Pas," "En Amor," "Ne Me Plaignez Pas," and "Les Chemins de Ma Maison."


